Source code for

Define a Metafile object to describe the _meta.h5 file and get the necessary information from it.

from __future__ import annotations

import re
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

import h5py

__all__ = ["Metafile", "DectrisMetafile", "TristanMetafile"]

tristan_pattern = re.compile(r"ts_qty_module\d{2}")

class Metafile:
    def __init__(self, handle: h5py.File):
        self._handle = handle

    def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> h5py.Group | h5py.Dataset:
        return self._handle[key]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._handle)

    def __str__(self):
        return f"File {self._handle.filename} opened in '{self._handle.mode}' mode."

    def walk(self) -> List[str]:
        obj_list = []
        return obj_list

    def hasMask(self):
        if "mask" in self.walk:
            return True
        return False

    def hasFlatfield(self):
        if "flatfield" in self.walk:
            return True
        return False

[docs] class DectrisMetafile(Metafile): """ Describes a _meta.h5 file for a Dectris Eiger detector. """ def __init__(self, handle: h5py.File): super().__init__(handle) @cached_property def hasDectrisGroup(self) -> bool: if "_dectris" in self._handle.keys() and isinstance( self._handle["_dectris"], h5py.Group ): return True return False @cached_property def hasConfig(self) -> bool: if "config" in self._handle.keys(): return True return False def read_dectris_config(self) -> Dict: config = {} for k, v in self._handle["_dectris"].items(): v = v[()] if len(v) == 1: v = v[0] if isinstance(v, bytes): v = v.decode() config[k] = v return config def read_config_dset(self) -> Dict: config = eval(self._handle["config"][()]) return config def get_number_of_images(self) -> int: if self.hasDectrisGroup: config = self.read_dectris_config() return config["nimages"] else: _loc = [obj for obj in self.walk if "nimages" in obj] return self.__getitem__(_loc[0])[0] def get_number_of_triggers(self) -> int: if self.hasDectrisGroup: config = self.read_dectris_config() return config["ntrigger"] else: _loc = [obj for obj in self.walk if "ntrigger" in obj] return self.__getitem__(_loc[0])[0] def get_full_number_of_images(self) -> int: return self.get_number_of_triggers() * self.get_number_of_images() def get_detector_size(self) -> Tuple: # NB. returns (fast, slow) but data_size in nxs file shoud be recorded (slow, fast) # => det_size[::-1] _loc = [obj for obj in self.walk if "pixels_in_detector" in obj] det_size = [] for i in _loc: det_size.append(self.__getitem__(i)[0]) if len(det_size) == 0: return None return tuple(det_size[::-1]) def get_pixel_size(self) -> List: _loc = [obj for obj in self.walk if "pixel_size" in obj] pix = [] for i in _loc: pix.append(self.__getitem__(i)[0]) if len(pix) == 0: return None return pix def get_beam_center(self) -> List: _loc = [obj for obj in self.walk if "beam_center" in obj] bc = [] for i in _loc: bc.append(self.__getitem__(i)[0]) if len(bc) == 0: return None return bc def get_wavelength(self) -> float: _loc = [obj for obj in self.walk if "wavelength" in obj] if len(_loc) == 0: return None return self.__getitem__(_loc[0])[0] def get_detector_distance(self) -> float: # Distance in Dectris meta file is in m. _loc = [obj for obj in self.walk if "detector_distance" in obj] if len(_loc) == 0: return None return self.__getitem__(_loc[0])[0] def get_saturation_value(self) -> float: _loc = [obj for obj in self.walk if "countrate_correction_count_cutoff" in obj] if len(_loc) == 0: return None return self.__getitem__(_loc[0])[0] def get_sensor_information(self) -> Tuple[bytes, float]: _loc_material = [obj for obj in self.walk if "sensor_material" in obj] _loc_thickness = [obj for obj in self.walk if "sensor_thickness" in obj] return ( self.__getitem__(_loc_material[0])[0], self.__getitem__(_loc_thickness[0])[0], ) def get_bit_depth_image(self) -> int: _loc = [obj for obj in self.walk if "bit_depth_image" in obj] if len(_loc) == 0: return None return self.__getitem__(_loc[0])[0] def get_data_collection_date(self) -> str: if self.hasDectrisGroup: config = self.read_dectris_config() return config["data_collection_date"] if self.hasConfig: config = self.read_config_dset() return config["data_collection_date"] _loc = [obj for obj in self.walk if "data_collection_date" in obj] if len(_loc) == 0: return None return self.__getitem__(_loc[0])[0] def get_fw_version(self) -> str: if self.hasDectrisGroup: config = self.read_dectris_config() return config["eiger_fw_version"] if self.hasConfig: config = self.read_config_dset() return config["eiger_fw_version"] _loc = [obj for obj in self.walk if "eiger_fw_version" in obj] if len(_loc) == 0: return None return self.__getitem__(_loc[0])[0] def get_serial_number(self) -> str: # Stored in meta file as "detector_number" if self.hasDectrisGroup: config = self.read_dectris_config() return config["detector_number"] if self.hasConfig: config = self.read_config_dset() return config["detector_number"] _loc = [obj for obj in self.walk if "detector_number" in obj] if len(_loc) == 0: return None return self.__getitem__(_loc[0])[0] def find_mask(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: if self.hasMask: mask_path = [obj for obj in self.walk if obj.lower() == "mask"] mask_applied_path = [obj for obj in self.walk if "mask_applied" in obj] if len(mask_applied_path) == 0: return (mask_path[0], None) return (mask_path[0], mask_applied_path[0]) return (None, None) def find_flatfield(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: if self.hasFlatfield: flatfield_path = [obj for obj in self.walk if obj.lower() == "flatfield"] flatfield_applied_path = [ obj for obj in self.walk if "flatfield_correction_applied" in obj ] if len(flatfield_applied_path) == 0: return (flatfield_path[0], None) return (flatfield_path[0], flatfield_applied_path[0]) return (None, None) def find_software_version(self) -> str: _loc = [obj for obj in self.walk if "software_version" in obj] if len(_loc) == 0: return None return _loc[0] def find_threshold_energy(self) -> str: _loc = [obj for obj in self.walk if "threshold_energy" in obj] if len(_loc) == 0: return None return _loc[0] def find_bit_depth_readout(self) -> str: _loc = [obj for obj in self.walk if "bit_depth_readout" in obj] if len(_loc) == 0: return None return _loc[0] def find_bit_depth_image(self) -> str: _loc = [obj for obj in self.walk if "bit_depth_image" in obj] if len(_loc) == 0: return None return _loc[0] def find_detector_number(self) -> str: _loc = [obj for obj in self.walk if "detector_number" in obj] if len(_loc) == 0: return None return _loc[0] def find_detector_readout_time(self) -> str: _loc = [obj for obj in self.walk if "detector_readout_time" in obj] if len(_loc) == 0: return None return _loc[0]
[docs] class TristanMetafile(Metafile): """ Describes a _meta.h5 file for a Tristan detector. """ @staticmethod def isTristan(filename): with h5py.File(filename, "r") as fh: res = [k for k in fh.keys() if tristan_pattern.fullmatch(k)] if len(res) > 0: return True return False def __init__(self, handle: h5py.File): super().__init__(handle) def find_number_of_modules(self) -> int: n_modules = [k for k in self._handle.keys() if tristan_pattern.fullmatch(k)] return len(n_modules) def find_software_version(self) -> str: _loc = [obj for obj in self.walk if "software_version" in obj] if len(_loc) == 0: return None return _loc[0] def find_meta_version(self) -> str: _loc = [obj for obj in self.walk if "meta_version" in obj] if len(_loc) == 0: return None return _loc[0]