Source code for nexgen.nxs_write.write_utils

Utilities for writing new NeXus format files.

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import math
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Literal, Tuple

import h5py  # isort: skip
import numpy as np
from hdf5plugin import Bitshuffle, Blosc
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike

from ..nxs_utils import Axis

# Logger
NXclassUtils_logger = logging.getLogger("nexgen.NXclass_writers.utils")

# Define Timestamp dataset names
TSdset = Literal["start_time", "end_time", "end_time_estimated"]

[docs] def create_attributes(nxs_obj: h5py.Group | h5py.Dataset, names: Tuple, values: Tuple): """ Create or overwrite attributes with additional metadata information. Args: nxs_obj (h5py.Group | h5py.Dataset): NeXus object to which the \ attributes should be attached. names (Tuple): The names of the new attributes. values (Tuple): The attribute values asociated to the names. """ for n, v in zip(names, values): if isinstance(v, str): # If a string, convert to numpy.string_ v = np.string_(v) h5py.AttributeManager.create(nxs_obj, name=n, data=v)
[docs] def set_dependency(dep_info: str, path: str = None): """ Define value for "depends_on" attribute. If the attribute points to the head of the dependency chain, simply pass \ "." for dep_info. Args: dep_info (str): The name of the transformation upon which the current \ one depends on. path (str): Where the transformation is. Set to None, if passed it \ points to location in the NeXus tree. Returns: The value to be passed to the attribute "depends_on" """ if dep_info == ".": return np.string_(".") if path: if path.endswith("/") is False: path += "/" return np.string_(path + dep_info) else: return np.string_(dep_info)
[docs] def calculate_origin( beam_center_fs: List | Tuple, fs_pixel_size: List | Tuple, fast_axis_vector: Tuple, slow_axis_vector: Tuple, mode: str = "1", ) -> Tuple[List, float]: """ Calculate the offset of the detector. This function returns the detector origin array, which is saved as the \ vector attribute of the module_offset field. The value to set the module_offset to is also returned: the magnitude of \ the displacement if the vector is normalized, 1.0 otherwise Assumes that fast and slow axis vectors have already been converted to \ mcstas if needed. Args: beam_center_fs (List | Tuple): Beam center position in fast and slow direction. fs_pixel_size (List | Tuple): Pixel size in fast and slow direction, in m. fast_axis_vector (Tuple): Fast axis vector. slow_axis_vector (Tuple): Slow axis vector. mode (str, optional): Decide how origin should be calculated. If set to "1" the displacement vector is un-normalized \ and the offset value set to 1.0. If set to "2" the displacement is normalized and the \ offset value is set to the magnitude of the displacement. Defaults to "1". Returns: det_origin (List): Displacement of beam center, vector attribute of module_offset. offset_val (float): Value to assign to module_offset, depending whether \ det_origin is normalized or not. """ # what was calculate module_offset x_scaled = beam_center_fs[0] * fs_pixel_size[0] y_scaled = beam_center_fs[1] * fs_pixel_size[1] # Detector origin det_origin = x_scaled * np.array(fast_axis_vector) + y_scaled * np.array( slow_axis_vector ) det_origin = list(-det_origin) if mode == "1": offset_val = 1.0 else: offset_val = math.hypot(*det_origin[:-1]) return det_origin, offset_val
[docs] def find_number_of_images(datafile_list: List[Path], entry_key: str = "data") -> int: """ Calculate total number of images when there's more than one input HDF5 file. Args: datafile_list (List[Path]): List of paths to the input image files. entry_key (str): Key for the location of the images inside the \ data files. Defaults to "data". Returns: num_images (int): Total number of images. """ num_images = 0 for filename in datafile_list: with h5py.File(filename, "r") as f: num_images += f[entry_key].shape[0] return int(num_images)
def calculate_estimated_end_time( start_time: datetime | str, tot_collection_time: float ) -> str: time_format = r"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" if isinstance(start_time, str): start_time = start_time.format("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") start_time = datetime.strptime(start_time.strip("Z"), time_format.strip("Z")) est_end = start_time + timedelta(seconds=tot_collection_time) return est_end.strftime(time_format)
[docs] def mask_and_flatfield_writer( nxdet_grp: h5py.Group, dset_name: str, dset_data: str | ArrayLike, applied_val: bool, ): """ Utility function to write mask or flatfield to NXdetector group for \ image data when not already linked to the _meta.h5 file. If the pixel_mask/flatfield data is passed as a string, it will be assumed \ to be a file path and the writer will try to set up an external link to it. Args: nxdet_grp (h5py.Group): Handle to HDF5 NXdetector group. dset_name (str): Name of the new field/dataset to be written. dset_data (str | ArrayLike): Dataset data to be written in the field. \ Can be a string or an array-like dataset. \ If the data type is a numpy ndarray, it will be compressed before writing. applied_val (bool): Value to write to `{flatfield,pixel_mask}_applied` fields. """ if dset_data is None: NXclassUtils_logger.warning( f""" No copy of the {dset_name} has been found, either as a file or dataset. Fields {dset_name} and {dset_name}_applied will not be written to file. """ ) return nxdet_grp.create_dataset( f"{dset_name}_applied", data=applied_val, ) NXclassUtils_logger.debug(f"{dset_name}_applied set to: {applied_val}.") if isinstance(dset_data, str): try: link_path = Path(dset_data) NXclassUtils_logger.debug( f"Setting external link for {dset_name} to {link_path}." ) nxdet_grp[dset_name] = h5py.ExternalLink(, "/") except Exception as e: NXclassUtils_logger.error( f"Impossible to write external link to {dset_data} for {dset_name}." "Field {dset_name} not written." ) NXclassUtils_logger.error(f"{e}", exc_info=1) elif isinstance(dset_data, np.ndarray): NXclassUtils_logger.debug(f"Writing a compressed copy of array in {dset_name}.") write_compressed_copy(nxdet_grp, dset_name, data=dset_data) else: NXclassUtils_logger.debug( f"{dset_name} of type {type(dset_data)}, writing as is." ) nxdet_grp.create_dataset(dset_name, data=dset_data) return
def mask_and_flatfield_writer_for_event_data( nxdet_grp: h5py.Group, dset_name: str, dset_data_file: str, applied_val: bool, wdir: Path, detector_name: str = "tristan", ): if dset_data_file is None: NXclassUtils_logger.warning( f"No {dset_name} data file passed; {dset_name} won't be written." ) return nxdet_grp.create_dataset(f"{dset_name}_applied", data=applied_val) NXclassUtils_logger.debug( f"Looking for file {dset_data_file} in {wdir.as_posix()}." ) filename = [ wdir / dset_data_file for f in wdir.iterdir() if dset_data_file == ] if filename: NXclassUtils_logger.debug(f"File {dset_name} found in working directory.") write_compressed_copy( nxdet_grp, dset_name, filename=filename[0], filter_choice="blosc", dset_key="image", ) else: NXclassUtils_logger.warning( f"No {dset_name} file found in working directory." "Writing an ExternalLink." ) file_loc = Path(dset_data_file) image_key = "image" if "tristan" in detector_name.lower() else "/" nxdet_grp[dset_name] = h5py.ExternalLink(, image_key) return # Copy and compress a dataset inside a specified NXclass
[docs] def write_compressed_copy( nxgroup: h5py.Group, dset_name: str, data: ArrayLike = None, filename: Path | str = None, filter_choice: str = "bitshuffle", dset_key: str = "image", **kwargs, ): """ Write a compressed copy of some dataset in the desired HDF5 group, using \ the filter of choice with lz4 compression. Available filters at this \ time include "Blosc" and "Bitshuffle" (default). The main application for this function in nexgen is to write a compressed \ copy of a pixel mask or a flatfield file/dataset directly into the \ NXdetector group of a NXmx NeXus file. The data and filename arguments are mutually exclusive as only one of them \ can be used as input. If a filename is passed, it is also required to pass the key for the \ relevant dataset to be copied. Failure to do so will result in nothing being \ written to the NeXus file. Args: nxgroup (h5py.Group): Handle to HDF5 group. dset_name (str): Name of the new dataset to be written. data (ArrayLike, optional): Dataset to be compressed. Defaults to None. filename (Path | str, optional): Filename containing the dataset to be \ compressed into the NeXus file. Defaults to None. filter_choice (str, optional): Filter to be used for compression. \ Either blosc or bitshuffle. Defaults to bitshuffle. dset_key (str, optional): Dataset name inside the passed file. \ Defaults to "image". Keyword Args: block_size (int, optional): Number of elements per block, it needs to \ be divisible by 8. Needed for Bitshuffle filter. Defaults to 0. Raises: ValueError: If both a dataset and a filename have been passed to the function. """ if data is not None and filename is not None: raise ValueError( "The dset and filename arguments are mutually exclusive." "Please pass only the one from which the data should be copied." ) if filename and not dset_key: NXclassUtils_logger.warning( f"Missing key to find the dataset to be copied inside {filename}. {dset_name} will not be written into the NeXus file." ) return if filename: with h5py.File(filename, "r") as fh: data = fh[dset_key][()] if filter_choice.lower() == "blosc": nxgroup.create_dataset( dset_name, data=data, **Blosc(cname="lz4", shuffle=Blosc.BITSHUFFLE) ) elif filter_choice.lower() == "bitshuffle": block_size = ( 0 if "block_size" not in list(kwargs.keys()) else kwargs["block_size"] ) nxgroup.create_dataset( dset_name, data=data, **Bitshuffle(nelems=block_size, cname="lz4") ) else: NXclassUtils_logger.warning( "Unknown filter choice, no dataset will be written." ) return f"A compressed copy of the {dset_name} has been written into the NeXus file." )
[docs] def add_sample_axis_groups(nxsample: h5py.Group, axis_list: List[Axis]): """ Add non-standard "sample_{phi,omega,...}" groups to NXsample. These may be needed for \ some autoprocessing tools to work correctly. Args: nxsample (h5py.Group): NeXus NXsample group. axis_list (List[Axis]): List of goniometer axes. """ NXclassUtils_logger.debug("Add non-standard fields for autoPROC to work.") nxtransf = nxsample["transformations"] for ax in axis_list: grp_name = f"sample_{[-1]}" if "sam" in else f"sample_{}" nx_ax = nxsample.require_group(grp_name) # NOTE: NX_class here set to NXtransformations instead of NXpositioner # One step closer to standard. TO BE TESTED create_attributes(nx_ax, ("NX_class",), ("NXtransformations",)) nx_ax[] = nxtransf[] if f"{}_end" in nxtransf.keys(): nx_ax[f"{}_end"] = nxtransf[f"{}_end"] if f"{}_increment_set" in nxtransf.keys(): nx_ax[f"{}_increment_set"] = nxtransf[f"{}_increment_set"]