Source code for nexgen.nxs_utils.detector

Object definition for detectors.

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Dict, List, Literal, Tuple, Union

from dataclasses_json import DataClassJsonMixin

from ..utils import Point3D
from .axes import Axis

[docs] class UnknownDetectorTypeError(Exception): pass
EIGER_CONST = { "flatfield": "flatfield", "flatfield_applied": "_dectris/flatfield_correction_applied", "pixel_mask": "mask", "pixel_mask_applied": "_dectris/pixel_mask_applied", "bit_depth_readout": "_dectris/bit_depth_image", # Gorilla to be consistent with NeXus format (and make DIALS work) "bit_depth_image": "_dectris/bit_depth_image", "detector_readout_time": "_dectris/detector_readout_time", "threshold_energy": "_dectris/threshold_energy", "photon_energy": "_dectris/photon_energy", "software_version": "_dectris/software_version", "ntrigger": "/_dectris/ntrigger", # "serial_number": "/_dectris/detector_number", # "eiger_fw_version": "/_dectris/eiger_fw_version", # "data_collection_date": "/_dectris/data_collection_date", } # TODO see TRISTAN_CONST = { "flatfield": "Tristan10M_flat_field_coeff_with_Mo_17.479keV.h5", "flatfield_applied": False, "pixel_mask": "Tristan10M_mask_with_spec.h5", "pixel_mask_applied": False, "software_version": "1.1.3", "detector_tick": "1562.5ps", "detector_frequency": "6.4e+08Hz", "timeslice_rollover": 18, } JUNGFRAU_CONST = { "flatfield": None, "flatfield_applied": False, "pixel_mask": None, "pixel_mask_applied": False, "software_version": "0.0.0", } SINGLA_CONST = { "flatfield": None, "flatfield_applied": False, "pixel_mask": None, "pixel_mask_applied": False, "software_version": "0.0.0", } CETA_CONST = { "flatfield": None, "flatfield_applied": False, "pixel_mask": None, "pixel_mask_applied": False, "software_version": "0.0.0", }
[docs] @dataclass class EigerDetector(DataClassJsonMixin): """Define a Dectris Eiger detector. Attributes: description (str): Detector description. image_size (List | Tuple): Dimensions in pixels, passed in the order (slow, fast) axis. sensor_material (str): Either Si or CdTe, on the material depends the sensor_thickness. overload (int): Saturation value for the detector, data is invalid above this value. underload (int): Lowest value measurable for the detector, data is invalid below this value. pixel_size (List[str], optional): Size of each detector pixel in both directions, order should be (x, y). Defaults to a pixel size of ['0.075mm', '0.075mm'] detector_type (str, optional): Description of type of detector. Defaults to 'Pixel'. Properties: sensor_thickness (str): Defined depending on the sensor material: 0.450mm for Si, 0.750mm CdTe. constants (Dict): Dictionary of meta file locations to create the external links to fields such as pixel_mask, flatfield and bit_depth_readout. """ description: str image_size: List[int] | Tuple[int, int] sensor_material: Literal["Si", "CdTe"] overload: int underload: int pixel_size: List[str | float] = field( default_factory=lambda: ["0.075mm", "0.075mm"] ) detector_type: str = "Pixel" @property def sensor_thickness(self) -> str: if self.sensor_material == "Si": return "0.450mm" else: return "0.750mm" @property def constants(self) -> Dict: return EIGER_CONST @property def hasMeta(self) -> bool: return True
[docs] @dataclass class TristanDetector(DataClassJsonMixin): """Define a Tristan detector. Attributes: description (str): Detector description. image_size (List | Tuple): Dimensions in pixels, passed in the order (slow, fast) axis. sensor_material (str): Sensor material. Defaults to Si. sensor_thickness (str): Sensor thickness. Defaults to 0.5mm pixel_size (List[str], optional): Size of each detector pixel in both directions, order should be (x, y). Defaults to a pixel size of ['5.5e-05m', '5.5e-05m'] detector_type (str, optional): Description of type of detector. Defaults to 'Pixel'. mode (str): Acquisition mode for Tristan, either images or events. Defaults to events. Properties: constants (Dict): Detector specific constants, such as locations of pixel_mask and flatfield files, and detector tick, frequency and timeslice rollover for event mode. """ description: str image_size: List[int] | Tuple[int, int] sensor_material: str = "Si" sensor_thickness: str = "0.5mm" pixel_size: List[str | float] = field( default_factory=lambda: ["5.5e-05m", "5.5e-05m"] ) detector_type: str = "Pixel" mode: Literal["events", "images"] = "events" @property def constants(self) -> Dict: return TRISTAN_CONST @property def hasMeta(self) -> bool: return True
[docs] @dataclass class CetaDetector(DataClassJsonMixin): """Define a Ceta-D detector.""" description: str image_size: List[float] | Tuple[float] pixel_size: List[str | float] = field( default_factory=lambda: ["0.014mm", "0.014mm"] ) sensor_material: str = "Si" sensor_thickness: str = "0.014mm" detector_type: str = "CMOS" overload: int = 1000000 underload: int = -1000 @property def constants(self) -> Dict: return CETA_CONST @property def hasMeta(self) -> bool: return False
[docs] @dataclass class SinglaDetector(DataClassJsonMixin): """Define a Dectris Singla detector. Attributes: description (str): Detector description. image_size (List | Tuple): Dimensions in pixels, passed in the order (slow, fast) axis. sensor_material (str): Sensor material. Defaults to Si. sensor_thickness (str): Sensor thickness. Defaults to 0.450mm overload (int): Saturation value for the detector, data is invalid above this value. Defaults to 199996. underload (int): Lowest value measurable for the detector, data is invalid below this value. Defaults to -1. pixel_size (List[str], optional): Size of each detector pixel in both directions, order should be (x, y). Defaults to a pixel size of ['0.075mm', '0.075mm'] detector_type (str, optional): Description of type of detector. Defaults to 'HPC'. Properties: constants (Dict): Dictionary of meta file locations to create the external links to fields such as pixel_mask, flatfield and bit_depth_readout. """ description: str image_size: List[int] | Tuple[int, int] sensor_material: str = "Si" sensor_thickness: str = "0.450mm" overload: int = 199996 underload: int = -1 pixel_size: List[str | float] = field( default_factory=lambda: ["0.075mm", "0.075mm"] ) detector_type: str = "HPC" @property def constants(self) -> Dict: return SINGLA_CONST @property def hasMeta(self) -> bool: return False
[docs] @dataclass class JungfrauDetector(DataClassJsonMixin): """Define a Dectris Jungfrau detector. Attributes: description (str): Detector description. image_size (List | Tuple): Dimensions in pixels, passed in the order (slow, fast) axis. sensor_material (str): Sensor material. Defaults to Si. sensor_thickness (str): Sensor thickness. Defaults to 0.320mm overload (int): Saturation value for the detector, data is invalid above this value. Defaults to 1000000. underload (int): Lowest value measurable for the detector, data is invalid below this value. Defaults to -10. pixel_size (List[str], optional): Size of each detector pixel in both directions, order should be (x, y). Defaults to a pixel size of ['0.075mm', '0.075mm'] detector_type (str, optional): Description of type of detector. Defaults to 'Pixel'. Properties: constants (Dict): Dictionary of meta file locations to create the external links to fields such as pixel_mask, flatfield and bit_depth_readout. """ description: str image_size: List[int] | Tuple[int, int] sensor_material: str = "Si" sensor_thickness: str = "0.320mm" overload: int = 1000000 underload: int = -10 pixel_size: List[str | float] = field( default_factory=lambda: ["0.075mm", "0.075mm"] ) detector_type: str = "Pixel" @property def constants(self) -> Dict: return JUNGFRAU_CONST @property def hasMeta(self) -> bool: return False
DetectorType = Union[ EigerDetector, TristanDetector, SinglaDetector, JungfrauDetector, CetaDetector ]
[docs] @dataclass class DetectorModule(DataClassJsonMixin): """A class to define the axes of a detector module. Attributes: fast_axis (Tuple | Point3D): Vector defining the fast_axis direction. slow_axis (Tuple | Point3D): Vector defining the slow_axis direction. """ fast_axis: Tuple[float, float, float] | Point3D slow_axis: Tuple[float, float, float] | Point3D module_offset: str = "1" def __post_init__(self): if isinstance(self.fast_axis, Point3D): self.fast_axis = (self.fast_axis.x, self.fast_axis.y, self.fast_axis.z) if isinstance(self.slow_axis, Point3D): self.slow_axis = (self.slow_axis.x, self.slow_axis.y, self.slow_axis.z)
[docs] class Detector: """Detector definition. Attributes: detector_params: The detector parameters, unique to each detector type. detector_axes: The axes where the detector lays, their start positions and vectors in mcstas coordinates. beam_center: The beam center position, in pixels. exp_time: The collection exposure time, in seconds. module: The detector module definition, with fast_axis and slow_axis directions, in mcstas. """ def __init__( self, detector_params: DetectorType, detector_axes: List[Axis], beam_center: List[float], exposure_time: float, module_vectors: List[Point3D] | List[Tuple[float, float, float]], ): """ Args: detector_params (DetectorType): Specific parameters relative to detector in use eg. TristanDetector("Tristan", [100, 200]) detector_axes (List[Axes]): List of detector axes. beam_center (List[float]): Beam center position, in pixels. exposure_time (float): Exposure time of each image/collection, in s. module_vectors (List): List of detector module vectors in the order: (fast_axis, slow_axis). """ self.detector_params = detector_params self.detector_axes = detector_axes self.beam_center = beam_center self.exp_time = exposure_time self.module = DetectorModule(module_vectors[0], module_vectors[1]) def __repr__(self) -> str: det_msg = ( f"{self.detector_params.description} \n\t" f"Image size {self.detector_params.image_size} pixels of size {self.detector_params.pixel_size}; \n\t" f"{self.detector_params.sensor_material} sensor x {self.detector_params.sensor_thickness}; \n\t" "Detector axes: \n\t" ) for ax in self.detector_axes: det_msg += f"{}: {ax.start_pos} => {ax.transformation_type.value} on {ax.depends} \n\t" det_msg += ( "Detector module axes: \n\t" f"Fast axis: {self.module.fast_axis} \n\t Slow axis: {self.module.slow_axis}\n" ) return f"Detector description: {det_msg}"
[docs] def get_detector_description(self) -> str: """Get detector description string.""" return self.detector_params.description
[docs] def get_detector_mode(self) -> str: """Data type collected by the detector. If no mode specified in detector parameters, defaults to images. """ if "mode" in self.detector_params.__dataclass_fields__: return self.detector_params.mode return "images"
[docs] def get_module_info(self): """Write the module information to a dictionary.""" return self.module.to_dict()