Source code for nexgen.utils

General utilities for nexgen

from __future__ import annotations

import re
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

import h5py
import numpy as np
import pint
from freephil.common import scope_extract as ScopeExtract  # Define scope extract type
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike

__all__ = [


# Define coordinates
Point3D = namedtuple("Point3D", ("x", "y", "z"))
Point3D.__doc__ = """Coordinates in 3D space."""

# Filename pattern: filename_######.h5 or filename_meta.h5
# P = re.compile(r"(.*)_(?:\d+)")
P = re.compile(r"(.*)_(?:meta|master|\d+)")

def coerce_to_path(filename: Path | str):
    if not isinstance(filename, Path):
        filename = Path(filename).expanduser().resolve()
    return filename

def find_in_dict(key: str, params_dict: Dict):
    if key in list(params_dict.keys()):
        return True
    return False

[docs] def get_filename_template(input_filename: Path) -> str: """ Get the data file name template from either the master or the meta file. Args: input_filename (Path): Path object containing the name of master or meta file. The format should be either file_master.h5, file.nxs for a master file, file_meta.h5 for a meta file. Raises: NameError: If the input file does not have the expected format. Returns: filename_template (str): String template for the name of blank data file. """ if input_filename.suffix == ".nxs": filename_root = input_filename.stem filename_template = ( input_filename.parent / f"{filename_root}_%0{MAX_SUFFIX_DIGITS}d.h5" ) elif input_filename.suffix == ".h5" and "master" in input_filename.as_posix(): filename = input_filename.stem.replace("master", f"%0{MAX_SUFFIX_DIGITS}d") filename_template = input_filename.parent / f"{filename}.h5" elif input_filename.suffix == ".h5" and "meta" in input_filename.as_posix(): filename = input_filename.stem.replace("meta", f"%0{MAX_SUFFIX_DIGITS}d") filename_template = input_filename.parent / f"{filename}.h5" else: raise NameError( "Input file did not have the expected format for a master or meta file." ) # so that filename_template.as_posix() % 1 will become filename_000001.h5 return filename_template.as_posix()
[docs] def get_nexus_filename(input_filename: Path | str, copy: bool = False) -> Path: """ Get the filename for the NeXus file from the stem of the input file name. Args: input_filename (Path | str): File name and path of either a .h5 data file or a _meta.h5 file. copy (bool, optional): Avoid trying to write a new file with the same name as the old one when making a copy. Defaults to False. Returns: Path: NeXus file name (.nxs) path. """ input_filename = coerce_to_path(input_filename) filename_stem = P.fullmatch(input_filename.stem) if filename_stem: filename = filename_stem[1] else: filename = input_filename.stem if copy is True: nxs_filename = input_filename.parent / f"{filename}_copy.nxs" else: nxs_filename = input_filename.parent / f"{filename}.nxs" return nxs_filename
[docs] def walk_nxs(nxs_obj: h5py.File | h5py.Group) -> List[str]: """ Walk all the groups, subgroups and datasets of an object. Args: nxs_obj (h5py.File | h5py.Group): Object to walk through, could be a file or a group. Returns: obj_list (List[str]): List of objects found, as strings. """ obj_list = [] nxs_obj.visit(obj_list.append) return obj_list
# Initialize registry and a Quantity constructor ureg = pint.UnitRegistry() Q_ = ureg.Quantity
[docs] def units_of_length(q: str | float, to_base: bool = False) -> Q_: # -> pint.Quantity: """ Check that a quantity of length is compatible with NX_LENGTH, defaulting to m if dimensionless. Args: q (Any): An object that can be interpreted as a pint Quantity, it can be dimensionless. to_base (bool, optional): If True, convert to base units of length (m). Defaults to False. Raises: ValueError: If the input value is a negative number. pint.errors.DimensionalityError: If the input value is not a quantity of lenght. Returns: quantity (pint.Quantity): A pint quantity with units applied if it was dimensionless. """ quantity = Q_(q) if quantity <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Quantity (length) must be positive. Current value: {quantity}." ) quantity = quantity * ureg.m if quantity.dimensionless else quantity if quantity.check("[length]"): if to_base is True: return quantity.to_base_units() else: return quantity else: raise pint.errors.DimensionalityError( quantity, "a quantity of", quantity.dimensionality, )
[docs] def units_of_time(q: str) -> Q_: # -> pint.Quantity: """ Check that a quantity of time is compatible with NX_TIME, defaulting to s if dimensionless. Convert to seconds if time is passed as a fraction of it. Args: q (str): A string that can be interpreted as a pint Quantity, it can be dimensionless. Raises: ValueError: If the input value is a negative number. pint.errors.DimensionalityError: If the input value is not a quantity of lenght. Returns: quantity (pint.Quantity): A pint quantity in s, with units applied if it was dimensionless. """ quantity = Q_(q) if quantity <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Quantity (time) of time must be positive. Current value: {quantity}." ) quantity = quantity * ureg.s if quantity.dimensionless else quantity if quantity.check("[time]"): return quantity.to_base_units() else: raise pint.errors.DimensionalityError( quantity, "a quantity of", quantity.dimensionality, ureg.s.dimensionality )
[docs] def get_iso_timestamp(ts: str | float) -> str: """ Format a timestamp string to be stores in a NeXus file according to ISO8601: 'YY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ' Args: ts (str | float): Input string, can also be a timestamp (eg. time.time()) string. Allowed formats: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", "%A, %d. %B %Y %I:%M%p". Returns: ts_iso (str): Formatted timestamp. """ # Format strings for timestamps format_list = [ "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", "%A, %d. %B %Y %I:%M%p", ] if ts is None: return None try: ts = float(ts) ts_iso = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts).replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() except ValueError: for fmt in format_list: try: ts_iso = datetime.strptime(ts, fmt).isoformat() except ValueError: ts_iso = str(ts) if ts_iso.endswith("Z") is False: ts_iso += "Z" return ts_iso
def imgcif2mcstas(vector: List | Tuple | ArrayLike) -> Tuple: """ Convert from the standard coordinate frame used by imgCIF/CBF to the NeXus McStas coordinate system. Args: vector (List | Tuple | np.array): Coordinates to be converted. Returns: Tuple: Converted coordinate values. """ c2n = np.array([[-1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, -1]]) return tuple(, vector)) def coord2mcstas(vector: List | Tuple | ArrayLike, mat: ArrayLike) -> Tuple: """ General conversion from a new coordinate convention to the NeXus McStas coordinate system. Args: vector (List | Tuple | np.array): Coordinates to be converted. mat (np.ndarray): Coordinate transformation matrix. Returns: Tuple: Converted coordinate values """ return tuple(, vector))