Source code for nexgen.nxs_write.write_utils

Utilities for writing new NeXus format files.

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import math
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Literal, Tuple

import h5py  # isort: skip
import numpy as np
from hdf5plugin import Bitshuffle, Blosc
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike

# Logger
NXclassUtils_logger = logging.getLogger("nexgen.NXclass_writers.utils")

# Define Timestamp dataset names
TSdset = Literal["start_time", "end_time", "end_time_estimated"]

[docs] def create_attributes(nxs_obj: h5py.Group | h5py.Dataset, names: Tuple, values: Tuple): """ Create or overwrite attributes with additional metadata information. Args: nxs_obj (h5py.Group | h5py.Dataset): NeXus object to which the attributes should be attached. names (Tuple): The names of the new attributes. values (Tuple): The attribute values asociated to the names. """ for n, v in zip(names, values): if isinstance(v, str): # If a string, convert to numpy.string_ v = np.string_(v) h5py.AttributeManager.create(nxs_obj, name=n, data=v)
[docs] def set_dependency(dep_info: str, path: str = None): """ Define value for "depends_on" attribute. If the attribute points to the head of the dependency chain, simply pass "." for dep_info. Args: dep_info (str): The name of the transformation upon which the current one depends on. path (str): Where the transformation is. Set to None, if passed it points to location in the NeXus tree. Returns: The value to be passed to the attribute "depends_on" """ if dep_info == ".": return np.string_(".") if path: if path.endswith("/") is False: path += "/" return np.string_(path + dep_info) else: return np.string_(dep_info)
[docs] def calculate_origin( beam_center_fs: List | Tuple, fs_pixel_size: List | Tuple, fast_axis_vector: Tuple, slow_axis_vector: Tuple, mode: str = "1", ) -> Tuple[List, float]: """ Calculate the offset of the detector. This function returns the detector origin array, which is saved as the vector attribute of the module_offset field. The value to set the module_offset to is also returned: the magnitude of the displacement if the vector is normalized, 1.0 otherwise Assumes that fast and slow axis vectors have already been converted to mcstas if needed. Args: beam_center_fs (List | Tuple): Beam center position in fast and slow direction. fs_pixel_size (List | Tuple): Pixel size in fast and slow direction, in m. fast_axis_vector (Tuple): Fast axis vector. slow_axis_vector (Tuple): Slow axis vector. mode (str, optional): Decide how origin should be calculated. If set to "1" the displacement vector is un-normalized and the offset value set to 1.0. If set to "2" the displacement is normalized and the offset value is set to the magnitude of the displacement. Defaults to "1". Returns: det_origin (List): Displacement of beam center, vector attribute of module_offset. offset_val (float): Value to assign to module_offset, depending whether det_origin is normalized or not. """ # what was calculate module_offset x_scaled = beam_center_fs[0] * fs_pixel_size[0] y_scaled = beam_center_fs[1] * fs_pixel_size[1] # Detector origin det_origin = x_scaled * np.array(fast_axis_vector) + y_scaled * np.array( slow_axis_vector ) det_origin = list(-det_origin) if mode == "1": offset_val = 1.0 else: offset_val = math.hypot(*det_origin[:-1]) return det_origin, offset_val
[docs] def find_number_of_images(datafile_list: List[Path], entry_key: str = "data") -> int: """ Calculate total number of images when there's more than one input HDF5 file. Args: datafile_list (List[Path]): List of paths to the input image files. entry_key (str): Key for the location of the images inside the data files. Defaults to "data". Returns: num_images (int): Total number of images. """ num_images = 0 for filename in datafile_list: with h5py.File(filename, "r") as f: num_images += f[entry_key].shape[0] return int(num_images)
def calculate_estimated_end_time( start_time: datetime | str, tot_collection_time: float ) -> str: time_format = r"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" if isinstance(start_time, str): start_time = start_time.format("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") start_time = datetime.strptime(start_time.strip("Z"), time_format.strip("Z")) est_end = start_time + timedelta(seconds=tot_collection_time) return est_end.strftime(time_format)
[docs] def mask_and_flatfield_writer( nxdet_grp: h5py.Group, dset_name: str, dset_data: str | ArrayLike, applied_val: bool, ): """ Utility function to write mask or flatfield to NXdetector group for image data when not \ already linked to the _meta.h5 file. If the pixel_mask/flatfield data is passed as a string, it will be assumed to be a file path and \ the writer will try to set up an external link to it. Args: nxdet_grp (h5py.Group): Handle to HDF5 NXdetector group. dset_name (str): Name of the new field/dataset to be written. dset_data (str | ArrayLike): Dataset data to be written in the field. Can be a string or an \ array-like dataset. If the data type is a numpy ndarray, it will be compressed before writing. applied_val (bool): Value to write to the `{flatfield,pixel_mask}_applied` fields. """ if dset_data is None: NXclassUtils_logger.warning( f""" No copy of the {dset_name} has been found, either as a file or dataset. Fields {dset_name} and {dset_name}_applied will not be written to file. """ ) return nxdet_grp.create_dataset( f"{dset_name}_applied", data=applied_val, ) NXclassUtils_logger.debug(f"{dset_name}_applied set to: {applied_val}.") if isinstance(dset_data, str): try: link_path = Path(dset_data) NXclassUtils_logger.debug( f"Setting external link for {dset_name} to {link_path}." ) nxdet_grp[dset_name] = h5py.ExternalLink(, "/") except Exception as e: NXclassUtils_logger.error( f"Impossible to write external link to {dset_data} for {dset_name}." "Field {dset_name} not written." ) NXclassUtils_logger.error(f"{e}", exc_info=1) elif isinstance(dset_data, np.ndarray): NXclassUtils_logger.debug(f"Writing a compressed copy of array in {dset_name}.") write_compressed_copy(nxdet_grp, dset_name, data=dset_data) else: NXclassUtils_logger.debug( f"{dset_name} of type {type(dset_data)}, writing as is." ) nxdet_grp.create_dataset(dset_name, data=dset_data) return
def mask_and_flatfield_writer_for_event_data( nxdet_grp: h5py.Group, dset_name: str, dset_data_file: str, applied_val: bool, wdir: Path, detector_name: str = "tristan", ): if dset_data_file is None: NXclassUtils_logger.warning( f"No {dset_name} data file passed; {dset_name} won't be written." ) return nxdet_grp.create_dataset(f"{dset_name}_applied", data=applied_val)"Looking for file {dset_data_file} in {wdir.as_posix()}.") filename = [ wdir / dset_data_file for f in wdir.iterdir() if dset_data_file == ] if filename:"File {dset_name} found in working directory.") write_compressed_copy( nxdet_grp, dset_name, filename=filename[0], filter_choice="blosc", dset_key="image", ) else: NXclassUtils_logger.warning( f"No {dset_name} file found in working directory." "Writing an ExternalLink." ) file_loc = Path(dset_data_file) image_key = "image" if "tristan" in detector_name.lower() else "/" nxdet_grp[dset_name] = h5py.ExternalLink(, image_key) return # Copy and compress a dataset inside a specified NXclass
[docs] def write_compressed_copy( nxgroup: h5py.Group, dset_name: str, data: ArrayLike = None, filename: Path | str = None, filter_choice: str = "bitshuffle", dset_key: str = "image", **kwargs, ): """ Write a compressed copy of some dataset in the desired HDF5 group, using the filter of choice with lz4 compression. Available filters \ at this time include "Blosc" and "Bitshuffle" (default). The main application for this function in nexgen is to write a compressed copy of a pixel mask or a flatfield file/dataset \ directly into the NXdetector group of a NXmx NeXus file. The data and filename arguments are mutually exclusive as only one of them can be used as input. If a filename is passed, it is also required to pass the key for the relevant dataset to be copied. Failure to do so will result \ in nothing being written to the NeXus file. Args: nxgroup (h5py.Group): Handle to HDF5 group. dset_name (str): Name of the new dataset to be written. data (ArrayLike, optional): Dataset to be compressed. Defaults to None. filename (Path | str, optional): Filename containing the dataset to be compressed into the NeXus file. Defaults to None. filter_choice (str, optional): Filter to be used for compression. Either blosc or bitshuffle. Defaults to bitshuffle. dset_key (str, optional): Dataset name inside the passed file. Defaults to "image". Keyword Args: block_size (int, optional): Number of elements per block, it needs to be divisible by 8. Needed for Bitshuffle filter. \ Defaults to 0. Raises: ValueError: If both a dataset and a filename have been passed to the function. """ if data is not None and filename is not None: raise ValueError( "The dset and filename arguments are mutually exclusive." "Please pass only the one from which the data should be copied." ) if filename and not dset_key: NXclassUtils_logger.warning( f"Missing key to find the dataset to be copied inside {filename}. {dset_name} will not be written into the NeXus file." ) return if filename: with h5py.File(filename, "r") as fh: data = fh[dset_key][()] if filter_choice.lower() == "blosc": nxgroup.create_dataset( dset_name, data=data, **Blosc(cname="lz4", shuffle=Blosc.BITSHUFFLE) ) elif filter_choice.lower() == "bitshuffle": block_size = ( 0 if "block_size" not in list(kwargs.keys()) else kwargs["block_size"] ) nxgroup.create_dataset( dset_name, data=data, **Bitshuffle(nelems=block_size, cname="lz4") ) else: NXclassUtils_logger.warning( "Unknown filter choice, no dataset will be written." ) return f"A compressed copy of the {dset_name} has been written into the NeXus file." )