Source code for nexgen.beamlines.SSX_expt

Experiment definitions for SSX collections:
    - extruder
    - fixed target
    - 3D grid scan

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

import numpy as np

from ..nxs_utils import Axis, TransformationType
from ..nxs_utils.scan_utils import calculate_scan_points
from .beamline_utils import PumpProbe
from .SSX_chip import (

__all__ = ["run_extruder", "run_fixed_target", "run_3D_grid_scan"]

# Define a logger object
logger = logging.getLogger("nexgen.SSX.run_expt")

[docs] def run_extruder( goniometer_axes: List[Axis], num_imgs: int, pump_probe: PumpProbe, osc_axis: str = "omega", ) -> Tuple[List, Dict, Dict]: """Run the goniometer computations for an extruder experiment. Args: goniometer_axes (List[Axis]): List of goniometer axes for current beamline. num_imgs (int): Total number of images. pump_probe (PumpProbe): Pump probe parameters. osc_axis: Defines which axis is considered the "moving" one. Defaults to omega. Returns: Tuple[List, Dict, Dict]: goniometer_axes: updated goniometer_axes list with actual values from the scan. SCAN: dictionary with oscillation scan axis values. pump_info: updated pump probe information. """ logger.debug("Running an extruder experiment.") logger.debug("All axes are fixed, setting increments to 0.0 and starts == ends.") for ax in goniometer_axes: # Sanity check that no increment is greater than 0.0 if ax.transformation_type == "rotation": ax.increment = 0.0 # Identify the "oscillation axis" osc_idx = [n for n, ax in enumerate(goniometer_axes) if == osc_axis][0] goniometer_axes[osc_idx].num_steps = num_imgs # Calculate scan logger.debug( "Getting 'oscillation scan': roation axis not moving, same value for each image as." ) SCAN = calculate_scan_points( goniometer_axes[osc_idx], rotation=True, tot_num_imgs=num_imgs ) pump_info = pump_probe.to_dict() logger.debug("Removing pump_repeat from pump probe necessary information.") pump_info.pop("pump_repeat") return goniometer_axes, SCAN, pump_info
[docs] def run_fixed_target( goniometer_axes: List[Axis], chip_info: Dict[str, List], chipmap: Path | str, pump_probe: PumpProbe, scan_axes: List[str, str] = ["sam_y", "sam_x"], ) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: """Run the goniometer computations for a fixed-target experiment. Args: goniometer_axes (List[Axis]): List of goniometer axes for current beamline. chip_info (Dict[str, List]): General information about the chip: number and size of blocks, \ size and step of each window, start positions, number of exposures. chipmap (Path | str): Path to .map file. If None is passed, assumes a fullchip. pump_probe (PumpProbe): Pump probe parameters. scan_axes (List[str, str], optional): List of scan axes, in order slow,fast. \ Defaults to ["sam_y", "sam_x"]. Raises: ValueError: If one or both of the axes names passed as input are not part of the goniometer axes. ValueError:if chip_info hasn't been passed or is an empty dictionary. Returns: Tuple[Dict, Dict]: SCAN: Dictionary with grid scan values. pump_info: Updated pump probe information. """"Running a fixed target experiment.") # Check that the axes for the scan make sense check_list = [n for n, ax in enumerate(goniometer_axes) if in scan_axes] if len(check_list) < len(scan_axes): raise ValueError( "Axis not found in the list of goniometer axes. Please check your input." f"Goniometer axes: {goniometer_axes}. Looking for {scan_axes}." ) # Check that the chip dict has been passed, raise error if not if not chip_info: logger.error("No chip_dict found.") raise ValueError( "No information about the FT chip has been passed. \ Impossible to determine scan parameters. NeXus file won't be written." ) # Define chip chip = Chip( "fastchip", num_steps=[chip_info["X_NUM_STEPS"][1], chip_info["Y_NUM_STEPS"][1]], step_size=[chip_info["X_STEP_SIZE"][1], chip_info["Y_STEP_SIZE"][1]], num_blocks=[chip_info["X_NUM_BLOCKS"][1], chip_info["Y_NUM_BLOCKS"][1]], block_size=[chip_info["X_BLOCK_SIZE"][1], chip_info["Y_BLOCK_SIZE"][1]], start_pos=[ chip_info["X_START"][1], chip_info["Y_START"][1], chip_info["Z_START"][1], ], ) # Read chip map blocks = read_chip_map( chipmap, chip.num_blocks[0], chip.num_blocks[1], ) # Workaround for eg. I19 Eiger which saves an increment for phi/omega in meta file. for ax in goniometer_axes: if ax.transformation_type == "rotation": ax.increment = 0.0 # Calculate scan start positions on chip if list(blocks.values())[0] == "fullchip":"Full chip: all the blocks will be scanned.") starts = compute_goniometer(chip, full=True, ax1=scan_axes[0], ax2=scan_axes[1]) starts = fullchip_blocks_conversion(starts, chip) else:"Scanning blocks: {list(blocks.keys())}.") starts = compute_goniometer(chip, blocks, ax1=scan_axes[0], ax2=scan_axes[1]) # Create two temporary axes to be used for scan calculations axis1 = Axis(scan_axes[0], "", TransformationType.TRANSLATION, (0, 0, 0)) axis2 = Axis(scan_axes[1], "", TransformationType.TRANSLATION, (0, 0, 0)) # Iterate over blocks to calculate scan points SCAN = { np.array([]), np.array([])} for k, v in starts.items(): axis1.start_pos = v[] axis1.increment = chip.step_size[1] * v["direction"] axis1.num_steps = chip.num_steps[1] axis2.start_pos = v[] axis2.increment = chip.step_size[0] axis2.num_steps = chip.num_steps[0] logger.debug( f"Current block: {k}\n" f"{} start: {v[]} \n" f"{} start: {v[]} \n" f"Scan direction: {v['direction']} \n" ) _scan = calculate_scan_points(axis1, axis2) SCAN[] = np.append(SCAN[], np.round(_scan[], 3)) SCAN[] = np.append(SCAN[], np.round(_scan[], 3)) # Check the number of exposures per window N = int(chip_info["N_EXPOSURES"][1]) if N > 1: # Repeat each position N times SCAN = {k: [val for val in v for _ in range(N)] for k, v in SCAN.items()}"Each position has been collected {N} times.")"Pump repeat setting: {chip_info['PUMP_REPEAT'][1]}.") pump_info = pump_probe.to_dict() pump_info["n_exposures"] = N return SCAN, pump_info
def run_3D_grid_scan( goniometer_axes: List[Axis], chip_info: Dict[str, List], chipmap: Path | str, pump_probe: PumpProbe, osc_axis: str = "omega", ) -> Tuple[Dict]: """_summary_ Args: goniometer_axes (List[Axis]): _description_ chip_info (Dict[str, List]): _description_ chipmap (Path | str): _description_ pump_probe (PumpProbe): _description_ osc_axis (str, optional): _description_ Returns: Tuple[Dict]: OSC: dictionary with oscillation scan axis values TRANSL: dictionary with grid scan values pump_info: updated pump probe information """"Running a 3D grid scan experiment.") N = int(chip_info["N_EXPOSURES"][1]) pump_info = pump_probe.to_dict() pump_info["repeat"] = int(chip_info["PUMP_REPEAT"][1]) pump_info["n_exposures"] = N return None, None, pump_info