Source code for nexgen.beamlines.SSX_chip

Tools to read a chip and compute the coordinates of a Serial Crystallography collection.

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple

from ..nxs_utils.scan_utils import ScanDirection

# I24 chip tools

    "X_NUM_STEPS": [0, 20],
    "Y_NUM_STEPS": [0, 20],
    "X_STEP_SIZE": [0, 0.125],
    "Y_STEP_SIZE": [0, 0.125],
    "X_START": [0, 0],
    "Y_START": [0, 0],
    "Z_START": [0, 0],
    "X_NUM_BLOCKS": [0, 8],
    "Y_NUM_BLOCKS": [0, 8],
    "X_BLOCK_SIZE": [0, 3.175],
    "Y_BLOCK_SIZE": [0, 3.175],
    "N_EXPOSURES": [0, 1],
    "PUMP_REPEAT": [0, 0],

[docs] @dataclass class Chip: """ Define a fixed target chip. Args: name (str): Description of the chip. num_steps (List[int] | Tuple[int]): Number of windows in each block. step_size (List[float] | Tuple[float]): Size of each window (distance between the centers in x and y direction). num_blocks (List[int] | Tuple[int]): Total number of blocks in the chip. block_size (List[int] | Tuple[int]): Size of each block. start_pos (List[float]): Start coordinates (x,y,z) """ name: str num_steps: List[int, int] | Tuple[int, int] step_size: List[float, float] | Tuple[float, float] num_blocks: List[int, int] | Tuple[int, int] block_size: List[float, float] | Tuple[float, float] start_pos: List[float, float, float] = field(default_factory=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) def tot_blocks(self) -> int: return self.num_blocks[0] * self.num_blocks[1] def tot_windows_per_block(self) -> int: return self.num_steps[0] * self.num_steps[1] def window_size(self) -> Tuple[float]: return ( self.num_steps[0] * self.step_size[0], self.num_steps[1] * self.step_size[1], ) def chip_size(self) -> Tuple[float]: return ( self.num_blocks[0] * self.block_size[0], self.num_blocks[1] * self.block_size[1], )
[docs] def fullchip_conversion_table(chip: Chip) -> Dict: """Associate block coordinates to block number for a full chip. Args: chip (Chip): General description of the chip. Returns: Dict: Conversion table, keys are block numbers, values are coordinates. """ coords = [] table = {} for i in range(chip.num_blocks[0]): if i % 2 == 0: for j in range(chip.num_blocks[1]): coords.append((i, j)) else: for j in range(chip.num_blocks[1] - 1, -1, -1): coords.append((i, j)) for k, v in zip(range(1, chip.tot_blocks() + 1), coords): table[f"%0{2}d" % k] = v return table
[docs] def read_chip_map(mapfile: Path | str, x_blocks: int, y_blocks: int) -> Dict: """ Read the .map file for the current collection on a chip. Args: mapfile (Path | str): Path to .map file. If None, assumes fullchip. x_blocks (int): Total number of blocks in x direction in the chip. y_blocks (int): Total number of blocks in y direction in the chip. Returns: Dict: A dictionary whose values indicate either the coordinates on the chip \ of the scanned blocks, or a string indicating that the whole chip is being scanned. """ if mapfile is None: # Assume it's a full chip return {"all": "fullchip"} with open(mapfile) as f: chipmap = block_list = [] max_num_blocks = x_blocks * y_blocks for n, line in enumerate(chipmap.rsplit("\n")): if n == max_num_blocks: break k = line[:2] v = line[-1:] if v == "1": block_list.append(k) if len(block_list) == max_num_blocks: # blocks["fullchip"] = len(block_list) return {"all": "fullchip"} blocks = {} for b in block_list: x = int(b) // x_blocks if int(b) % x_blocks != 0 else (int(b) // x_blocks) - 1 if x % 2 == 0: val = x * x_blocks + 1 y = int(b) - val else: val = (x + 1) * x_blocks y = val - int(b) blocks[b] = (x, y) return blocks
def fullchip_blocks_conversion(blocks: Dict[Tuple, Any], chip: Chip) -> Dict: new_blocks = {} table = fullchip_conversion_table(chip) for kt, vt in table.items(): for kb, vb in blocks.items(): if kb == vt: new_blocks[kt] = vb return new_blocks
[docs] def compute_goniometer( chip: Chip, blocks: Dict | None = None, full: bool = False, ax1: str = "sam_y", ax2: str = "sam_x", ) -> Dict[Dict[str | Tuple, float | int]]: """Compute the start coordinates of each block in a chip scan. The function returns a dictionary associating a list of axes start values \ and a scan direction to each scanned block. If full is True, the blocks argument will be overridden and coordinates will be \ calculated for every block in the chip. Args: chip (Chip): General description of the chip schematics: number and size of blocks, \ size and step of each window, start positions. blocks (Dict | None, optional): Scanned blocks. Defaults to None. full (bool, optional): True if all blocks have been scanned. Defaults to False. ax1 (str, optional): Axis name corrsponding to slow varying axis. Defaults to "sam_y". ax2 (str, optional): Axis name corrsponding to fast varying axis. Defaults to "sam_x". Returns: Dict[Dict[str | Tuple, float | int]]: Axes start coordinates and scan direction of each block. \ eg. \ { '01'/(0,0): { 'ax1': 0.0, 'ax2': 0.0, 'direction': 1, } } """ x0 = chip.start_pos[0] y0 = chip.start_pos[1] axes_starts = {} if full is True: for x in range(chip.num_blocks[0]): x_start = x0 + x * chip.block_size[0] if x % 2 == 0: for y in range(chip.num_blocks[1]): sd = ScanDirection.POSITIVE y_start = y0 + y * chip.block_size[1] axes_starts[(x, y)] = { ax1: round(y_start, 3), ax2: round(x_start, 3), "direction": sd.value, } else: for y in range(chip.num_blocks[1] - 1, -1, -1): sd = ScanDirection.NEGATIVE y_end = y0 + y * chip.block_size[1] y_start = y_end + (chip.num_steps[1] - 1) * chip.step_size[1] axes_starts[(x, y)] = { ax1: round(y_start, 3), ax2: round(x_start, 3), "direction": sd.value, } else: for k, v in blocks.items(): x_start = x0 + v[0] * chip.block_size[0] if v[0] % 2 == 0: sd = ScanDirection.POSITIVE y_start = y0 + v[1] * chip.block_size[1] else: sd = ScanDirection.NEGATIVE y_end = y0 + v[1] * chip.block_size[1] y_start = y_end + (chip.num_steps[1] - 1) * (chip.step_size[1]) axes_starts[k] = { ax1: round(y_start, 3), ax2: round(x_start, 3), "direction": sd.value, } return axes_starts