Source code for nexgen.beamlines.SSX_Tristan_nxs

Create a NeXus file for serial crystallography datasets collected on Tristan10M detector either on I19-2 or I24 beamlines.

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from collections import namedtuple
from pathlib import Path

from .. import log
from ..nxs_utils import Attenuator, Beam, Detector, Goniometer, Source, TristanDetector
from ..nxs_write.nxmx_writer import EventNXmxFileWriter
from ..utils import Point3D, find_in_dict, get_iso_timestamp
from .beamline_utils import collection_summary_log

# Define a logger object and a formatter
logger = logging.getLogger("nexgen.SSX_Tristan")

ssx_tr_collect = namedtuple(

ssx_tr_collect.__doc__ = (
    """Parameters that define a serial collection using a Tristan detector."""

[docs] def ssx_tristan_writer( visitpath: Path | str, filename: str, beamline: str, **ssx_params, ): """ Gather all parameters from the beamline and call the NeXus writers. Args: visitpath (Path | str): Path to colection directory. filename (str): Root of the filename. beamline (str): Beamline on which the experiment is being run. Keyword Args: exp_time (float): Exposure time, in s. det_dist (float): Distance between sample and detector, in mm. beam_center (List[float, float]): Beam center position, in pixels. transmission (float): Attenuator transmission, in %. wavelength (float): Wavelength of incident beam, in A. flux (float): Total flux. start_time (datetime): Experiment start time. stop_time (datetime): Experiment end time. chip_info (Dict): For a grid scan, dictionary containing basic chip information. At least it should contain: x/y_start, x/y number of blocks and block size, x/y number of steps and number of exposures. chipmap (Path | str): Path to the chipmap file corresponding to the experiment, or 'fullchip' indicating that the whole chip is being scanned. """ if not find_in_dict("start_time", ssx_params): ssx_params["start_time"] = None if not find_in_dict("stop_time", ssx_params): ssx_params["stop_time"] = None # Get info from the beamline SSX_TR = ssx_tr_collect( exposure_time=( float(ssx_params["exp_time"]) if find_in_dict("exp_time", ssx_params) else None ), detector_distance=( float(ssx_params["det_dist"]) if find_in_dict("det_dist", ssx_params) else None ), beam_center=( ssx_params["beam_center"] if find_in_dict("beam_center", ssx_params) else (0, 0) ), transmission=( float(ssx_params["transmission"]) if find_in_dict("transmission", ssx_params) else None ), wavelength=( float(ssx_params["wavelength"]) if find_in_dict("wavelength", ssx_params) else None ), start_time=( ssx_params["start_time"].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") if ssx_params["start_time"] else None ), # This should be datetiem type stop_time=( ssx_params["stop_time"].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") if ssx_params["stop_time"] else None ), # idem. chipmap=ssx_params["chipmap"] if find_in_dict("chipmap", ssx_params) else None, chip_info=( ssx_params["chip_info"] if find_in_dict("chip_info", ssx_params) else None ), ) visitpath = Path(visitpath).expanduser().resolve() filename = ssx_params["filename"] logfile = SSX_TR.visitpath / f"{beamline}_TristanSSX_nxs_writer.log" # Configure logging log.config(logfile.as_posix()) f"Start NeXus File Writer for time-resolved SSX on beamline {beamline} at DLS." )"Current collection directory: {visitpath.as_posix()}") # Get NeXus filename master_file = visitpath / f"{filename}.nxs""NeXus file will be saved as %s" % master_file.as_posix()) # Check if metafile in directory. try: metafile = [ f for f in visitpath.iterdir() if filename + "_meta" in f.as_posix() ][0]"Found {metafile} in directory.") except IndexError: logger.warning( "Missing metadata file at this time, something might be wrong with this collection." f"The hard link to {filename}_meta.h5 will most likely be broken." ) # Get parameters depending on beamline"DLS Beamline: {beamline.upper()}.") if "I19" in beamline.upper(): source = Source("I19-2") from .I19_2_params import I19_2Tristan as axes_params elif "I24" in beamline.upper(): source = Source("I19-2") from .I24_params import I24Eiger as axes_params axes_params.fast_axis = Point3D(-1, 0, 0) axes_params.slow_axis = Point3D(0, 1, 0) else: raise ValueError( "Unknown beamline for SSX collections with Tristan 10M detector." "Beamlines currently enabled for the writer: I24, I19-2." ) # Define Attenuator attenuator = Attenuator(SSX_TR.transmission) # Define Beam wl = SSX_TR.wavelength flux = ssx_params["flux"] if "flux" in ssx_params.keys() else None beam = Beam(wl, flux) # Define Detector axes det_axes = axes_params.det_axes # Define Detector tristan_params = TristanDetector("Tristan 10M", (3043, 4183)) if "I19" in beamline.upper(): det_axes[0].start_pos = 0.0 # two_theta det_axes[1].start_pos = SSX_TR.detector_distance # det_z else: # Only det_z for detector axes det_axes[0].start_pos = SSX_TR.detector_distance detector = Detector( tristan_params, det_axes, SSX_TR.beam_center, SSX_TR.exposure_time, [axes_params.fast_axis, axes_params.slow_axis], ) # Define Goniometer axes gonio_axes = axes_params.gonio # Get rotation scan range array and axis osc_axis = "phi" if "I19" in SSX_TR.location else "omega" osc_range = (0.0, 0.0) OSC = {osc_axis: osc_range} # Define Goniometer goniometer = Goniometer(gonio_axes, OSC) # Get timestamps in the correct format timestamps = ( get_iso_timestamp(SSX_TR.start_time), get_iso_timestamp(SSX_TR.stop_time), ) collection_summary_log( logger, goniometer, detector, attenuator, beam, source, timestamps, ) try: EventFileWriter = EventNXmxFileWriter( master_file, goniometer, detector, source, beam, attenuator, ) EventFileWriter.write(start_time=timestamps[0]) if timestamps[1]: # TODO add calc for estimated and put it here (same for SSX_eiger) EventFileWriter.update_timestamps(timestamps[1], "end_time") # Save chipmap (list of city blocks) if SSX_TR.chipmap: # Assuming 8x8 fast chip from .SSX_chip import read_chip_map chip = read_chip_map(SSX_TR.chipmap, 8, 8) mapping = {"chipmap": str(chip)} f"Chipmap read from {SSX_TR.chipmap}, saving in '/entry/source/notes/chipmap'." ) EventFileWriter.add_NXnote(mapping, "/entry/source/notes/") # To read this: eval(dset[()]) # Save chip info if passed. If not save I24-like chip info plus warning message"Save chip information in /entry/source/notes/chip") if SSX_TR.chip_info: # Make chip info more readable chip_info = {k: v[1] for k, v in SSX_TR.chip_info.items()} chipdef = {"chip": str(chip_info)} EventFileWriter.add_NXnote(chipdef, "/entry/source/notes/") else: logger.warning( "Dictionary containing chip info was not passed to the writer." "The following values will be written as default: " "x/y_num_blocks = 8 \n x/y_block_size = 3.175 \n x/y_num_steps = 20 \n x/y_step_size = 0.125" ) from .SSX_chip import CHIP_DICT_DEFAULT as chip_info chipdef = {"chip": str(chip_info)} EventFileWriter.add_NXnote(chipdef, "/entry/source/notes/")"The file {master_file} was written correctly.") except Exception as err: logger.exception(err) f"An error occurred and {master_file} couldn't be written correctly." ) raise