Source code for nexgen.beamlines.SSX_Eiger_nxs

Create a NeXus file for serial crystallography datasets collected on Eiger detector either on I19-2 or I24 beamlines.

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from collections import namedtuple
from pathlib import Path

import h5py

from .. import log
from ..nxs_utils import Attenuator, Beam, Detector, EigerDetector, Goniometer, Source
from ..nxs_write.nxmx_writer import NXmxFileWriter
from import define_vds_data_type, update_axes_from_meta
from import DectrisMetafile
from ..utils import find_in_dict, get_iso_timestamp
from .beamline_utils import PumpProbe, collection_summary_log

# Define logger
logger = logging.getLogger("nexgen.SSX_Eiger")

# Define a namedtuple for collection parameters
ssx_collect = namedtuple(

ssx_collect.__doc__ = """Serial collection parameters"""

[docs] def ssx_eiger_writer( visitpath: Path | str, filename: str, beamline: str, num_imgs: int, expt_type: str = "fixed-target", pump_status: bool = False, **ssx_params, ): """Gather all collection parameters and write the NeXus file for SSX using Eiger detector. Args: visitpath (Path | str): Collection directory. filename (str): Filename root. beamline (str): Beamline on which the experiment is being run. num_imgs (int): Total number of images collected. expt_type (str, optional): Experiment type, accepted values: extruder, fixed-target, 3Dgridscan. Defaults to "fixed-target". pump_status (bool, optional): True for pump-probe experiment. Defaults to False. Keyword Args: exp_time (float): Exposure time, in s. det_dist (float): Distance between sample and detector, in mm. beam_center (List[float, float]): Beam center position, in pixels. transmission (float): Attenuator transmission, in %. wavelength (float): Wavelength of incident beam, in A. flux (float): Total flux. start_time (datetime): Experiment start time. stop_time (datetime): Experiment end time. chip_info (Dict): For a grid scan, dictionary containing basic chip information. At least it should contain: x/y_start, x/y number of blocks and block size, x/y number of steps and number of exposures. chipmap (Path | str): Path to the chipmap file corresponding to the experiment, if None for a fixed target experiment, it indicates that the fullchip is being scanned. pump_exp (float): Pump exposure time, in s. pump_delay (float): Pump delay time, in s. osc_axis (str): Oscillation axis. Always omega on I24. If not passed it will default to phi for I19-2. outdir (str): Directory where to save the file. Only specify if different \ from meta_file directory. Raises: ValueError: If an invalid beamline name is passed. ValueError: If an invalid experiment type is passed. """ if not find_in_dict("start_time", ssx_params): ssx_params["start_time"] = None if not find_in_dict("stop_time", ssx_params): ssx_params["stop_time"] = None SSX = ssx_collect( num_imgs=int(num_imgs), exposure_time=( ssx_params["exp_time"] if find_in_dict("exp_time", ssx_params) else None ), detector_distance=( ssx_params["det_dist"] if find_in_dict("det_dist", ssx_params) else None ), beam_center=( ssx_params["beam_center"] if find_in_dict("beam_center", ssx_params) else (0, 0) ), transmission=( ssx_params["transmission"] if find_in_dict("transmission", ssx_params) else None ), wavelength=( ssx_params["wavelength"] if find_in_dict("wavelength", ssx_params) else None ), flux=ssx_params["flux"] if find_in_dict("flux", ssx_params) else None, start_time=( ssx_params["start_time"].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") if ssx_params["start_time"] else None ), stop_time=( ssx_params["stop_time"].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") if ssx_params["stop_time"] else None ), chip_info=( ssx_params["chip_info"] if find_in_dict("chip_info", ssx_params) else None ), chipmap=ssx_params["chipmap"] if find_in_dict("chipmap", ssx_params) else None, ) if expt_type.lower() not in ["extruder", "fixed-target", "3Dgridscan"]: raise ValueError("Unknown experiment type.") visitpath = Path(visitpath).expanduser().resolve() if find_in_dict("outdir", ssx_params) and ssx_params["outdir"]: wdir = Path(ssx_params["outdir"]).expanduser().resolve() else: wdir = visitpath # Configure logging logfile = wdir / f"{beamline}_EigerSSX_nxs_writer.log" log.config(logfile.as_posix())"Current collection directory: {visitpath.as_posix()}") if wdir != visitpath: logger.warning(f"Nexus file will be saved in a different directory: {wdir}") # Get NeXus filename master_file = wdir / f"{filename}.nxs""NeXus file will be saved as %s" % master_file.as_posix()) # Get parameters depending on beamline"DLS Beamline: {beamline.upper()}.") if "I19" in beamline.upper(): source = Source("I19-2") osc_axis = ssx_params["osc_axis"] if "osc_axis" in ssx_params.keys() else "phi" from .I19_2_params import I19_2Eiger as axes_params eiger_params = EigerDetector( "Eiger 2X 4M", (2162, 2068), "CdTe", 50649, -1, ) elif "I24" in beamline.upper(): source = Source("I24") osc_axis = "omega" from .I24_params import I24Eiger as axes_params eiger_params = EigerDetector( "Eiger 2X 9M", (3262, 3108), "CdTe", 50649, -1, ) else: raise ValueError( "Unknown beamline for SSX collections with Eiger detector." "Beamlines currently enabled for the writer: I24 (Eiger 9M), I19-2 (Eiger 4M)." ) # Define what to do based on experiment type if expt_type not in ["extruder", "fixed-target", "3Dgridscan"]: raise ValueError( "Please pass a valid experiment type.\n" "Accepted values: extruder, fixed-target, 3Dgridscan." )"Running {expt_type} collection.") # Get pump information pump_probe = PumpProbe() if pump_status is True: # Exposure and delay could also be found in dictionary for grid scan"Pump status is True.") pump_probe.pump_status = pump_status pump_probe.pump_exposure = ( ssx_params["pump_exp"] if find_in_dict("pump_exp", ssx_params) else None ) pump_probe.pump_delay = ( ssx_params["pump_exp"] if find_in_dict("pump_exp", ssx_params) else None )"Recorded pump exposure time: {pump_probe.pump_exposure}")"Recorded pump delay time: {pump_probe.pump_delay}") if expt_type == "fixed-target": pump_probe.pump_repeat = int(SSX.chip_info["PUMP_REPEAT"][1]) # Get timestamps in the correct format timestamps = ( get_iso_timestamp(SSX.start_time), get_iso_timestamp(SSX.stop_time), ) # Find metafile in directory and get info from it try: metafile = [ f for f in visitpath.iterdir() if filename + "_meta" in f.as_posix() ][0] logger.debug(f"Found {metafile} in directory.") except IndexError as err: logger.exception(err) logger.error( "Missing metadata, something might be wrong with this collection." "Unable to write NeXus file at this time. Please try using command line tool." ) raise # Define Attenuator attenuator = Attenuator(SSX.transmission) # Define Beam wl = SSX.wavelength if not wl: logger.debug("No wavelength passed, looking for it in the meta file.") with h5py.File(metafile, "r", libver="latest", swmr=True) as fh: wl = DectrisMetafile(fh).get_wavelength() beam = Beam(wl, SSX.flux) # Define Goniometer axes gonio_axes = axes_params.gonio # Define Detector det_axes = axes_params.det_axes # Update axes starts and get data type from meta file with h5py.File(metafile, "r", libver="latest", swmr=True) as fh: meta = DectrisMetafile(fh) vds_dtype = define_vds_data_type(meta) update_axes_from_meta(meta, gonio_axes, osc_axis=osc_axis) update_axes_from_meta(meta, det_axes) logger.debug( "Goniometer and detector axes have ben updated with values from the meta file." ) # Sanity check on det_z vs SSX.det_dist logger.debug("Sanity check on detector distance.") det_z_idx = [n for n, ax in enumerate(det_axes) if == "det_z"][0] if SSX.detector_distance and SSX.detector_distance != det_axes[det_z_idx].start_pos: logger.debug( "Detector distance value in meta file did not match with the one passed by the user.\n" f"Passed value: {SSX.detector_distance}; Value stored in meta file: {det_axes[det_z_idx].start_pos}.\n" "Value will be overwritten with the passed one." ) det_axes[det_z_idx].start_pos = SSX.detector_distance # Define detector detector = Detector( eiger_params, det_axes, SSX.beam_center, SSX.exposure_time, [axes_params.fast_axis, axes_params.slow_axis], ) tot_num_imgs = SSX.num_imgs # Run experiment type if expt_type == "extruder": from .SSX_expt import run_extruder gonio_axes, SCAN, pump_info = run_extruder( gonio_axes, tot_num_imgs, pump_probe, osc_axis, ) elif expt_type == "fixed-target": from .SSX_expt import run_fixed_target # Define chipmap if needed chipmapfile = ( None if SSX.chipmap is None else Path(SSX.chipmap).expanduser().resolve() ) SCAN, pump_info = run_fixed_target( gonio_axes, SSX.chip_info, chipmapfile, pump_probe, ["sam_y", "sam_x"], ) # Sanity check that things make sense if SSX.num_imgs != len(SCAN["sam_x"]): logger.warning( f"The total number of scan points is {len(SCAN['sam_x'])}, which does not match the total number of images passed as input {SSX.num_imgs}." ) logger.warning( "Reset SSX.num_imgs to number of scan points for vds creation." ) tot_num_imgs = len(SCAN["sam_x"]) else: print("3D") SCAN = {} # tboth here here pump_info = pump_probe.to_dict() # Define goniometer only once the full scan has been calculated. goniometer = Goniometer(gonio_axes, SCAN) # Log a bunch of stuff collection_summary_log( logger, goniometer, detector, attenuator, beam, source, timestamps, ) # Get to the actual writing try: NXmx_Writer = NXmxFileWriter( master_file, goniometer, detector, source, beam, attenuator, tot_num_imgs, ) image_filename = metafile.as_posix().replace("_meta.h5", "") NXmx_Writer.write(image_filename=image_filename, start_time=timestamps[0]) if pump_status is True:"Write pump information to file.") NXmx_Writer.add_NXnote( notes=pump_info, loc="/entry/source/notes", ) NXmx_Writer.update_timestamps(timestamps[1], "end_time") NXmx_Writer.write_vds( vds_shape=(tot_num_imgs, *detector.detector_params.image_size), vds_dtype=vds_dtype, )"The file {master_file} was written correctly.") except Exception as err: logger.exception(err) f"An error occurred and {master_file} couldn't be written correctly." ) raise