Source code for nexgen.beamlines.I19_2_gda_nxs

Create a NeXus file for time-resolved collections on I19-2 using parameters passed from GDA.

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from collections import namedtuple
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import DTypeLike

from .. import log
from ..nxs_utils import (
from ..nxs_utils.detector import DetectorType, UnknownDetectorTypeError
from ..nxs_utils.scan_utils import calculate_scan_points
from ..nxs_write.nxmx_writer import EventNXmxFileWriter, NXmxFileWriter
from ..utils import get_iso_timestamp, get_nexus_filename
from .beamline_utils import BeamlineAxes, collection_summary_log
from .GDAtools.ExtendedRequest import (
from .GDAtools.GDAjson2params import JSONParamsIO

# Define a logger object and a formatter
logger = logging.getLogger("nexgen.I19-2_NeXus_gda")

tr_collect = namedtuple(
        "geometry_json",  # Define these 2 as None

tr_collect.__doc__ = (
    """Information extracted from GDA containing collection parameters."""
tr_collect.meta_file.__doc__ = "Path to _meta.h5 file."
tr_collect.xml_file.__doc__ = "Path to GDA-generated xml file."
tr_collect.detector_name.__doc__ = "Name of the detector in use for current experiment."
tr_collect.exposure_time.__doc__ = "Exposure time, in s."
tr_collect.wavelength.__doc__ = "Incident beam wavelength, in A."
tr_collect.beam_center.__doc__ = "Beam center (x,y) position, in pixels."
tr_collect.start_time.__doc__ = "Collection start time."
tr_collect.stop_time.__doc__ = "Collection end time."
tr_collect.geometry_json.__doc__ = (
    "Path to GDA-generated JSON file describing the beamline geometry."
tr_collect.detector_json.__doc__ = (
    "Path to GDA-generated JSON file describing the detector."

[docs] def tristan_writer( master_file: Path, TR: namedtuple, axes_params: BeamlineAxes, det_params: DetectorType, timestamps: Tuple[str, str] = (None, None), ): """ A function to call the nexus writer for Tristan 10M detector. Args: master_file (Path): Path to nexus file to be written. TR (namedtuple): Parameters passed from the beamline. axes_params (BeamlineAxes): Axes for goniometer, detector and detector module. det_params (DetectorType): Detector definition for Tristan. timestamps (Tuple[str, str], optional): Collection start and end time. Defaults to None. """ ecr = ExtendedRequestIO(TR.xml_file) # Read information from xml file"Read xml file.") scan_axis, pos, _ = read_scan_from_xml(ecr) # n_Frames is only useful for eiger # pos[scan_axis][::-1] is scan range scan_range = pos[scan_axis][:-1] # Define OSC scans dictionary OSC = {scan_axis: scan_range} det_positions = read_det_position_from_xml(ecr, det_params.description) # Attenuator attenuator = Attenuator(ecr.getTransmission()) # Beam beam = Beam(TR.wavelength) # Source source = Source("I19-2") # Detector det_axes = axes_params.det_axes det_axes[0].start_pos = det_positions[0] # two_theta det_axes[1].start_pos = det_positions[1] # det_z detector = Detector( det_params, det_axes, TR.beam_center, TR.exposure_time, [axes_params.fast_axis, axes_params.slow_axis], ) # Goniometer gonio_axes = axes_params.gonio for k, v in pos.items(): # Get correct start positions idx = [n for n, ax in enumerate(gonio_axes) if == k][0] gonio_axes[idx].start_pos = v[0] goniometer = Goniometer(gonio_axes, OSC) collection_summary_log( logger, goniometer, detector, attenuator, beam, source, timestamps, ) # Get on with the writing now... try: EventFileWriter = EventNXmxFileWriter( master_file, goniometer, detector, source, beam, attenuator, ) EventFileWriter.write(start_time=timestamps[0]) if timestamps[1]: EventFileWriter.update_timestamps(timestamps[1], "end_time")"The file {master_file} was written correctly.") except Exception as err: logger.exception(err) f"An error occurred and {master_file} couldn't be written correctly." )
[docs] def eiger_writer( master_file: Path, TR: namedtuple, axes_params: BeamlineAxes, det_params: DetectorType, timestamps: Tuple[str, str] = (None, None), vds_dtype: DTypeLike = np.uint16, ): """ A function to call the nexus writer for Eiger 2X 4M detector. Args: master_file (Path): Path to nexus file to be written. TR (namedtuple): Parameters passed from the beamline. axes_params (BeamlineAxes): Axes for goniometer, detector and detector module. det_params (DetectorType): Detector definition for Eiger. timestamps (Tuple[str, str], optional): Collection start and end time. Defaults to (None, None). vds_dtype (DtypeLike): Data type for vds as np.uint##. """ ecr = ExtendedRequestIO(TR.xml_file) # Read information from xml file"Read xml file.") scan_axis, pos, n_frames = read_scan_from_xml(ecr) det_positions = read_det_position_from_xml(ecr, det_params.description) # Attenuator attenuator = Attenuator(ecr.getTransmission()) # Beam beam = Beam(TR.wavelength) # Source source = Source("I19-2") # Detector det_axes = axes_params.det_axes det_axes[0].start_pos = det_positions[0] # two_theta det_axes[1].start_pos = det_positions[1] # det_z detector = Detector( det_params, det_axes, TR.beam_center, TR.exposure_time, [axes_params.fast_axis, axes_params.slow_axis], ) # Goniometer gonio_axes = axes_params.gonio for k, v in pos.items(): # Get correct start positions idx = [n for n, ax in enumerate(gonio_axes) if == k][0] gonio_axes[idx].start_pos = v[0] # Get scan range array"Calculating scan range...") scan_idx = [n for n, ax in enumerate(gonio_axes) if == scan_axis][0] # Define OSC scans dictionary OSC = calculate_scan_points( gonio_axes[scan_idx], rotation=True, tot_num_imgs=n_frames ) goniometer = Goniometer(gonio_axes, OSC) collection_summary_log( logger, gonio_axes, [scan_axis], detector, attenuator, beam, source, timestamps, ) # Get on with the writing now... try: NXmx_Writer = NXmxFileWriter( master_file, goniometer, detector, source, beam, attenuator, n_frames, ) NXmx_Writer.write(start_time=timestamps[0]) if timestamps[1]: NXmx_Writer.update_timestamps(timestamps[1], "end_time") NXmx_Writer.write_vds( vds_shape=(n_frames, *detector.detector_params.image_size), vds_dtype=vds_dtype, )"The file {master_file} was written correctly.") except Exception as err: logger.exception(err) f"An error occurred and {master_file} couldn't be written correctly." )
def write_nxs(**tr_params): """ Gather all parameters from the beamline and call the NeXus writers. Keyword Args: meta_file (Path | str): Path to _meta.h5 file. xml_file (Path | str): Path to gda-generated xml file. detector_name (str): Detector in use. exposure_time (float): Exposure time, in s. wavelength (float): Wavelength of incident beam, in A. beam_center (List[float, float]): Beam center position, in pixels. start_time (datetime): Experiment start time. stop_time (datetime): Experiment end time. geometry_json (Path | str): Path to GDA generated geometry json file. detector_json (Path | str): Path to GDA generated detector json file. vds_dtype (DtypeLike): Data type for vds as np.uint##. """ # Get info from the beamline TR = tr_collect( meta_file=Path(tr_params["meta_file"]).expanduser().resolve(), xml_file=Path(tr_params["xml_file"]).expanduser().resolve(), detector_name=tr_params["detector_name"], exposure_time=tr_params["exposure_time"], wavelength=tr_params["wavelength"], beam_center=tr_params["beam_center"], start_time=( tr_params["start_time"].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") # if tr_params["start_time"] else None ), # This should be datetiem type stop_time=( tr_params["stop_time"].strftime( "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" ) # .strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") if tr_params["stop_time"] else None ), # idem. geometry_json=( tr_params["geometry_json"] if tr_params["geometry_json"] else None ), detector_json=( tr_params["detector_json"] if tr_params["detector_json"] else None ), ) # Define a file handler logfile = TR.meta_file.parent / "nexus_writer.log" # Configure logging log.config(logfile.as_posix())"NeXus file writer for beamline I19-2 at DLS.")"Detector in use for this experiment: {TR.detector_name}.")"Current collection directory: {TR.meta_file.parent}") # Add some information to logger"Creating a NeXus file for %s ..." % # Get NeXus filename master_file = get_nexus_filename(TR.meta_file)"NeXus file will be saved as %s" % master_file) # Get some parameters in here if "eiger" in TR.detector_name.lower(): from .I19_2_params import I19_2Eiger as axes_params det_params = EigerDetector( "Eiger 2X 4M", (2162, 2068), "CdTe", 50649, -1, ) elif "tristan" in TR.detector_name.lower(): from .I19_2_params import I19_2Tristan as axes_params det_params = TristanDetector("Tristan 10M", (3043, 4183)) else: raise UnknownDetectorTypeError("Unknown detector name passed.") # Get goniometer and detector parameters if TR.geometry_json:"Reading geometry from json file.") gonio_axes = JSONParamsIO(TR.geometry_json).get_goniometer_axes_from_file() det_axes = JSONParamsIO(TR.geometry_json).get_detector_axes_from_file() # Overwrite axes_params.gonio = gonio_axes axes_params.det_axes = det_axes if TR.detector_json:"Reading detector parameters from json file.") det_params = JSONParamsIO(TR.detector_json).get_detector_params_from_file() fast_axis, slow_axis = JSONParamsIO( TR.detector_json ).get_fast_and_slow_direction_vectors_from_file(det_params.description) # Overwrite axes_params.fast_axis = fast_axis axes_params.slow_axis = slow_axis # Get timestamps in the correct format if they aren't already timestamps = ( get_iso_timestamp(TR.start_time), get_iso_timestamp(TR.stop_time), ) if "tristan" in TR.detector_name: tristan_writer(master_file, TR, axes_params, det_params, timestamps) else: vds_dtype = ( np.uint16 if "vds_dtype" not in tr_params.keys() else tr_params["vds_dtype"] ) eiger_writer(master_file, TR, axes_params, det_params, timestamps, vds_dtype)