Source code for nexgen.beamlines.GDAtools.ExtendedRequest

IO tool to gather beamline and collection information from xml file.

from __future__ import annotations

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

[docs] class ExtendedRequestIO: """Define an ExtendedRequest object which in GDA gathers all the information regarding beamline and collection into an xml file.""" def __init__(self, xmlfile: Path | str): self.tree = ET.parse(xmlfile) self.root = self.tree.getroot() def getCollectionInfo(self) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: directory = self.root.find(".//directory").text prefix = self.root.find(".//prefix").text run_number = self.root.find(".//runNumber").text return directory, prefix, run_number def getOscillationSequence(self) -> Dict[str, float]: osc_seq_node = self.root.find(".//oscillation_sequence") osc_seq = { "start": float(osc_seq_node.find(".//start").text), "range": float(osc_seq_node.find(".//range").text), "number_of_images": float(osc_seq_node.find(".//number_of_images").text), "exposure_time": float(osc_seq_node.find(".//exposure_time").text), "number_of_passes": float(osc_seq_node.find(".//number_of_passes").text), } return osc_seq def getAxisChoice(self) -> str: ax = self.root.find(".//axisChoice").text return ax.lower() def getOtherAxis(self) -> float: val = float(self.root.find(".//otherAxis").text) return val def getKappa(self) -> float: return float(self.root.find(".//kappa").text) def getChi(self) -> float: return float(self.root.find(".//chi").text) def getTwoTheta(self) -> float: return float(self.root.find(".//twoTheta").text) def getSampleDetectorDistance(self) -> float: return float(self.root.find(".//sampleDetectorDistanceInMM").text) def getTransmission(self) -> float: return float(self.root.find(".//transmissionInPerCent").text) def getResolution(self) -> float: return float(self.root.find(".//resolution").text)
[docs] def read_scan_from_xml(ecr: ExtendedRequestIO): """ Extract information about the scan contained in the xml file. Args: ecr (ExtendedRequestIO): XML tree parser. xmlfile (Path | str): Path to xml file. Returns: scan_axis (str): Name of the rotation scan axis pos (Dict): Dictionary containing the (start,end,increment) values for each goniometer axis. num (int): Number of images written. """ # Goniometer osc_seq = ecr.getOscillationSequence() # Find scan range if osc_seq["range"] == 0.0: scan_range = (osc_seq["start"], osc_seq["start"]) num = osc_seq["number_of_images"] else: start = osc_seq["start"] num = osc_seq["number_of_images"] stop = start + num * osc_seq["range"] scan_range = (start, stop) # Determine scan axis if ecr.getAxisChoice() == "omega": scan_axis = "omega" omega_pos = (*scan_range, osc_seq["range"]) # 0.0) phi_pos = (*2 * (ecr.getOtherAxis(),), 0.0) else: scan_axis = "phi" phi_pos = (*scan_range, osc_seq["range"]) # 0.0) omega_pos = (*2 * (ecr.getOtherAxis(),), 0.0) kappa_pos = (*2 * (ecr.getKappa(),), 0.0) pos = { "omega": omega_pos, "phi": phi_pos, "kappa": kappa_pos, "sam_x": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), "sam_y": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), "sam_z": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), } return scan_axis, pos, int(num)
[docs] def read_det_position_from_xml( ecr: ExtendedRequestIO, det_description: str, ) -> List[float]: """Extract the detector position contained in the xml file. Args: ecr (ExtendedRequestIO): XML tree parser. det_description (str): Detector description Returns: List[float]: Detector axes positions in the order [2theta, det_z] """ if "tristan" in det_description.lower(): return [0.0, ecr.getSampleDetectorDistance()] elif "eiger" in det_description.lower(): return [ecr.getTwoTheta(), ecr.getSampleDetectorDistance()] return [0.0, ecr.getSampleDetectorDistance()]