Defining the various parts of a nexus file

class nexgen.utils.Point3D(x, y, z)

Coordinates in 3D space.


Utilities for axes definition

class nexgen.nxs_utils.axes.Axis(name: str, depends: str, transformation_type: TransformationType, vector: Point3D | Tuple[float, float, float], start_pos: float = 0.0, increment: float = 0.0, num_steps: int = 0, offset: Point3D | Tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))[source]

Bases: object

Define an axis object for goniometer or detector.


Axis name.




Name of the axis it depends on.




Rotation or translation.




Axis vector.


Point3D | Tuple


Start position of axis. Defaults to 0.0.


float, optional


Scan step size if the axis moves. Defaults to 0.0.


float, optional


Number of scan points. Defaults to 0.0.


int, optional


Axis offset. Defaults to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0).


Point3D | Tuple, optional


units (str): Defined depending on transformation type: deg or mm. end_pos (float): Last point recorded in a scan colletion. Calculated from start_pos, increment and num_steps, 1-indexed. is_scan (bool): Whether axis is a scan axis.

class nexgen.nxs_utils.axes.TransformationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, Enum

Define axis transformation type - ROTATION - TRANSLATION


Utilities to look for scan axes and calculate scan ranges from a list of Axis objects.

nexgen.nxs_utils.scan_utils.calculate_scan_points(axis1: Axis, axis2: Axis | None = None, snaked: bool = True, rotation: bool = False, tot_num_imgs: int | None = None) Dict[str, _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes]][source]

Calculate the scan range for a linear/grid scan or a rotation scan from the number of images (steps) to be written in each direction.

When dealing with a rotation axis, if there are multiple images but no rotation scan, return the axis start position repeated as many times as the number of images - either defined by the num_steps attribute of the Axis object or passed as tot_num_imgs.

  • axis1 (Axis) – Axis object describing the axis involved in a scan.

  • axis2 (Axis, optional) – Axis object describing the second axis involved in a scan. Only necessary for a grid scan. Defaults to None.

  • snaked (bool, optional) – If True, scanspec will “draw” a grid where the second axis is snaked. It will be ignored for a rotation scan. Defaults to True.

  • rotation (bool, optional) – Tell the function to calculate a rotation scan. Defaults to False.

  • tot_num_imgs (int, optional) – Total number of images. Only used for oscillation axis when there is no rotation. It will be ignored otherwise. Defaults to None.

  • ScanAxisError – If the passed axis has the wrong transformation type.

  • ValueError – For a rotation axis with no rotation, if the number of images is missing.


A dictionary of (“axis_name”: axis_range) key-value pairs.

Return type:

Dict[str, ArrayLike]

nexgen.nxs_utils.scan_utils.identify_grid_scan_axes(axes_list: List[Axis]) List[str][source]

Identify the scan axes for a translation linear/grid scan.


axes_list (List[Axis]) – List of axes objects associated to goniometer axes.


ScanAxisNotFoundError – If no axes have been passed.


List of strings identifying the linear/grid scan axes. If no axes are identified, it will return an empty list.

Return type:

scan_axis (List[str])

nexgen.nxs_utils.scan_utils.identify_osc_axis(axes_list: List[Axis], default: str = 'omega') str[source]

Identify the rotation scan_axis.

This function identifies the scan axis from the list passed as argument. The scan axis is the one where start and end value are not the same. If there is only one rotation axis, that is the one returned. In the case scan axis cannot be identified, a default value is arbitrarily assigned.

  • axes_list (List[Axis]) – List of axes objects associated to goniometer axes.

  • default (str, optional) – String to deafult to in case scan axis is not found. Defaults to “omega”.

  • ScanAxisNotFoundError – If no axes have been passed.

  • ValueError – If more than one rotation axis seems to move.


String identifying the rotation scan axis.

Return type:

scan_axis (str)

class nexgen.nxs_utils.scan_utils.GridScanOptions(axes_order, snaked)

Options for defining a grid scan


List of axes in order of (fast, slow).


Boolean to say whether it’s a snaked scan.

exception nexgen.nxs_utils.scan_utils.ScanAxisNotFoundError(errmsg)[source]
exception nexgen.nxs_utils.scan_utils.ScanAxisError(errmsg)[source]


Object definition for goniometer.

class nexgen.nxs_utils.goniometer.Goniometer(axes: List[Axis], scan: Dict[str, _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes]] | None = None)[source]

Goniometer definition.


List of axes making up the goniometer, including their vectors and positions.


The scan executed during the collection, could be a rotation or a grid scan. If not passed can be updated from the axes.

define_scan_axes_for_event_mode(end_position: float | None = None) Tuple[Dict, Dict][source]

Define oscillation and/or grid scan ranges for event-mode collections.

define_scan_from_goniometer_axes(grid_scan_options: GridScanOptions | None = None, scan_direction: ScanDirection = ScanDirection.POSITIVE, update: bool = True) Tuple[Dict, Dict][source]

Define oscillation and/or grid scan ranges for image data collections.


Get the number of scan points from the defined scan.


Object definition for detectors.

class nexgen.nxs_utils.detector.CetaDetector(description: str, image_size: ~typing.List[float] | ~typing.Tuple[float], pixel_size: ~typing.List[str | float] = <factory>, sensor_material: str = 'Si', sensor_thickness: str = '0.014mm', detector_type: str = 'CMOS', overload: int = 1000000, underload: int = -1000)[source]

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

Define a Ceta-D detector.

class nexgen.nxs_utils.detector.Detector(detector_params: EigerDetector | TristanDetector | SinglaDetector | JungfrauDetector | CetaDetector, detector_axes: List[Axis], beam_center: List[float], exposure_time: float, module_vectors: List[Point3D] | List[Tuple[float, float, float]])[source]

Bases: object

Detector definition.


The detector parameters, unique to each detector type.


The axes where the detector lays, their start positions and vectors in mcstas coordinates.


The beam center position, in pixels.


The collection exposure time, in seconds.


The detector module definition, with fast_axis and slow_axis directions, in mcstas.

get_detector_description() str[source]

Get detector description string.

get_detector_mode() str[source]

Data type collected by the detector. If no mode specified in detector parameters, defaults to images.


Write the module information to a dictionary.

class nexgen.nxs_utils.detector.DetectorModule(fast_axis: Tuple[float, float, float] | Point3D, slow_axis: Tuple[float, float, float] | Point3D, module_offset: str = '1')[source]

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

A class to define the axes of a detector module.


Vector defining the fast_axis direction.


Tuple | Point3D


Vector defining the slow_axis direction.


Tuple | Point3D

class nexgen.nxs_utils.detector.EigerDetector(description: str, image_size: ~typing.List[int] | ~typing.Tuple[int, int], sensor_material: ~typing.Literal['Si', 'CdTe'], overload: int, underload: int, pixel_size: ~typing.List[str | float] = <factory>, detector_type: str = 'Pixel')[source]

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

Define a Dectris Eiger detector.


Detector description.




Dimensions in pixels, passed in the order (slow, fast) axis.


List | Tuple


Either Si or CdTe, on the material depends the sensor_thickness.




Saturation value for the detector, data is invalid above this value.




Lowest value measurable for the detector, data is invalid below this value.




Size of each detector pixel in both directions, order should be (x, y). Defaults to a pixel size of [‘0.075mm’, ‘0.075mm’]


List[str], optional


Description of type of detector. Defaults to ‘Pixel’.


str, optional


sensor_thickness (str): Defined depending on the sensor material: 0.450mm for Si, 0.750mm CdTe. constants (Dict): Dictionary of meta file locations to create the external links to fields such as pixel_mask, flatfield and bit_depth_readout.

class nexgen.nxs_utils.detector.JungfrauDetector(description: str, image_size: ~typing.List[int] | ~typing.Tuple[int, int], sensor_material: str = 'Si', sensor_thickness: str = '0.320mm', overload: int = 1000000, underload: int = -10, pixel_size: ~typing.List[str | float] = <factory>, detector_type: str = 'Pixel')[source]

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

Define a Dectris Jungfrau detector.


Detector description.




Dimensions in pixels, passed in the order (slow, fast) axis.


List | Tuple


Sensor material. Defaults to Si.




Sensor thickness. Defaults to 0.320mm




Saturation value for the detector, data is invalid above this value. Defaults to 1000000.




Lowest value measurable for the detector, data is invalid below this value. Defaults to -10.




Size of each detector pixel in both directions, order should be (x, y). Defaults to a pixel size of [‘0.075mm’, ‘0.075mm’]


List[str], optional


Description of type of detector. Defaults to ‘Pixel’.


str, optional


constants (Dict): Dictionary of meta file locations to create the external links to fields such as pixel_mask, flatfield and bit_depth_readout.

class nexgen.nxs_utils.detector.SinglaDetector(description: str, image_size: ~typing.List[int] | ~typing.Tuple[int, int], sensor_material: str = 'Si', sensor_thickness: str = '0.450mm', overload: int = 199996, underload: int = -1, pixel_size: ~typing.List[str | float] = <factory>, detector_type: str = 'HPC')[source]

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

Define a Dectris Singla detector.


Detector description.




Dimensions in pixels, passed in the order (slow, fast) axis.


List | Tuple


Sensor material. Defaults to Si.




Sensor thickness. Defaults to 0.450mm




Saturation value for the detector, data is invalid above this value. Defaults to 199996.




Lowest value measurable for the detector, data is invalid below this value. Defaults to -1.




Size of each detector pixel in both directions, order should be (x, y). Defaults to a pixel size of [‘0.075mm’, ‘0.075mm’]


List[str], optional


Description of type of detector. Defaults to ‘HPC’.


str, optional


constants (Dict): Dictionary of meta file locations to create the external links to fields such as pixel_mask, flatfield and bit_depth_readout.

class nexgen.nxs_utils.detector.TristanDetector(description: str, image_size: ~typing.List[int] | ~typing.Tuple[int, int], sensor_material: str = 'Si', sensor_thickness: str = '0.5mm', pixel_size: ~typing.List[str | float] = <factory>, detector_type: str = 'Pixel', mode: ~typing.Literal['events', 'images'] = 'events')[source]

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

Define a Tristan detector.


Detector description.




Dimensions in pixels, passed in the order (slow, fast) axis.


List | Tuple


Sensor material. Defaults to Si.




Sensor thickness. Defaults to 0.5mm




Size of each detector pixel in both directions, order should be (x, y). Defaults to a pixel size of [‘5.5e-05m’, ‘5.5e-05m’]


List[str], optional


Description of type of detector. Defaults to ‘Pixel’.


str, optional


Acquisition mode for Tristan, either images or events. Defaults to events.




constants (Dict): Detector specific constants, such as locations of pixel_mask and flatfield files, and detector tick, frequency and timeslice rollover for event mode.

exception nexgen.nxs_utils.detector.UnknownDetectorTypeError[source]

Bases: Exception


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.


Object definition for Source, Beam and Attenuator

class nexgen.nxs_utils.source.Attenuator(transmission: float)[source]

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

Attenuator definition.

class nexgen.nxs_utils.source.Beam(wavelength: float, flux: float | None = None)[source]

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

Beam definition.

class nexgen.nxs_utils.source.Facility(name, short_name, type, id)

Bases: tuple

Facility description


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 2

class nexgen.nxs_utils.source.Source(beamline: str, facility: Facility = ('Diamond Light Source', 'DLS', 'Synchrotron X-ray Source', None), probe: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

Source definition.

set_instrument_name() str[source]

Set the instrument name from the details saved in source.

If source type is not defined a priori, the function will assume it is a Synchrotron. If the facility_id is defined inside the source dictionary, that is the value that will be used. Naming tries to follow the recommended convention for NXmx: https://mmcif.wwpdb.org/dictionaries/mmcif_pdbx_v50.dic/Items/_diffrn_source.type.html


The name to write under ‘/entry/instrument/name’

Return type:

name (str)


Write source information to a dictionary.


Sample definition utilities.

class nexgen.nxs_utils.sample.Sample(name: 'str | None' = None, depends_on: 'str | None' = None, temperature: 'str | None' = None)[source]

Bases: DataClassJsonMixin

Writing tools

NXmx writers

For a standard NXmx data collection

class nexgen.nxs_write.nxmx_writer.NXmxFileWriter(filename: Path | str, goniometer: Goniometer, detector: Detector, source: Source, beam: Beam, attenuator: Attenuator, tot_num_imgs: int)[source]

Bases: object

A class to generate NXmx format NeXus files.

add_NXnote(notes: Dict, loc: str = '/entry/notes')[source]

Save any additional information as NXnote at the end of the collection.

  • notes (Dict) – Dictionary of (key, value) pairs where key represents the dataset name and value its data.

  • loc (str, optional) – Location in the NeXus file to save metadata. Defaults to “/entry/notes”.

update_timestamps(timestamp: datetime | str, dset_name: Literal['start_time', 'end_time', 'end_time_estimated'] = 'end_time')[source]

Save timestamps for start and/or end collection if not written before.

  • timestamp (datetime | str) – Timestamp, as datetime or str.

  • dset_name (TSdset, optional) – Name of dataset to write to nexus file. Allowed values: [“start_time”, “end_time”, “end_time_estimated”. Defaults to “end_time”.

write(image_datafiles: List | None = None, image_filename: str | None = None, start_time: datetime | str | None = None, est_end_time: datetime | str | None = None, write_mode: str = 'x', add_non_standard: bool = True)[source]

Write the NXmx format NeXus file.

This function calls the writers for the main NXclass objects.

  • image_datafiles (List | None, optional) – List of image data files. If not passed, the program will look for files with the stem_######.h5 in the target directory. Defaults to None.

  • image_filename (str | None, optional) – Filename stem to use to look for image files. Needed in case it doesn’t match the NeXus file name. Format: filename_runnumber. Defaults to None.

  • start_time (datetime | str, optional) – Collection start time if available, in the format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ”.Defaults to None.

  • est_end_time (datetime | str, optional) – Collection estimated end time if available, in the format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ”. Defaults to None.

  • write_mode (str, optional) – String indicating writing mode for the output NeXus file. Accepts any valid h5py file opening mode. Defaults to “x”.

  • add_non_standard (bool, optional) – Flag if non-standard NXsample fields should be added for processing to work. Defaults to True, will change in the future.

write_vds(vds_offset: int = 0, vds_shape: ~typing.Tuple[int, int, int] | None = None, vds_dtype: ~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any] | None | type[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._SupportsDType[~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any]] | str | tuple[~typing.Any, int] | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.SupportsIndex | ~collections.abc.Sequence[~typing.SupportsIndex]] | list[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._DTypeDict | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.Any] = <class 'numpy.uint16'>, clean_up: bool = False)[source]

Write a Virtual Dataset.

This method adds a VDS under /entry/data/data in the NeXus file, linking to either the full datasets or the subset defined by vds_offset (used as start index) and vds_shape. WARNING. Only use clean up if the data collection is finished and all the files have already been written.

  • vds_offset (int, optional) – Start index for the vds writer. Defaults to 0.

  • vds_shape (Tuple[int,int,int], optional) – Shape of the data which will be linked in the VDS. If not passed, it will be defined as (tot_num_imgs - start_idx, *image_size). Defaults to None.

  • vds_dtype (DTypeLike, optional) – The type of the input data. Defaults to np.uint16.

  • clean_up (bool, optional) – Clean up unused links in vds. Defaults to False.

For an event-mode data collection using a Tristan detector

class nexgen.nxs_write.nxmx_writer.EventNXmxFileWriter(filename: Path | str, goniometer: Goniometer, detector: Detector, source: Source, beam: Beam, attenuator: Attenuator, axis_end_position: float | None = None)[source]

Bases: NXmxFileWriter

A class to generate NXmx-like NeXus files for event mode data.

write(start_time: datetime | str | None = None, write_mode: str = 'x', add_non_standard: bool = False)[source]

Write a NXmx-like NeXus file for event mode data collections.

This method overrides the write() method of NXmxFileWriter, from which thsi class inherits.

  • start_time (datetime | str, optional) – Collection estimated end time if available, in the format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ”. Defaults to None.

  • write_mode (str, optional) – String indicating writing mode for the output NeXus file. Accepts any valid h5py file opening mode. Defaults to “x”.

  • add_non_standard (bool, optional) – Flag if non-standard NXsample fields should be added for processing to work. Defaults to False.

For an Electron Diffraction collection using NXmx-like format nexus files. When dealing with an Electron Diffraction dataset, there may also be a need to convert the vectors to mcstas from another coordinate system convention, as well as save the relevant information about the new coordinate system into a NXcoordinate_system_set base class. This writer takes care of these issues.

class nexgen.nxs_write.nxmx_writer.EDNXmxFileWriter(filename: Path | str, goniometer: Goniometer, detector: Detector, source: Source, beam: Beam, attenuator: Attenuator, tot_num_imgs: int, ED_coord_system: Dict, convert_to_mcstas: bool = False)[source]

Bases: NXmxFileWriter

A class to generate NXmx-like NeXus files for electron diffraction.

Requires an additional argument:

ED_coord_system (Dict): Definition of the current coordinate frame for ED. It should at least contain the convention, origin and base vectors.

add_NXnote(notes: Dict, loc: str = '/entry/notes')

Save any additional information as NXnote at the end of the collection.

  • notes (Dict) – Dictionary of (key, value) pairs where key represents the dataset name and value its data.

  • loc (str, optional) – Location in the NeXus file to save metadata. Defaults to “/entry/notes”.

update_timestamps(timestamp: datetime | str, dset_name: Literal['start_time', 'end_time', 'end_time_estimated'] = 'end_time')

Save timestamps for start and/or end collection if not written before.

  • timestamp (datetime | str) – Timestamp, as datetime or str.

  • dset_name (TSdset, optional) – Name of dataset to write to nexus file. Allowed values: [“start_time”, “end_time”, “end_time_estimated”. Defaults to “end_time”.

write(image_datafiles: List | None = None, data_entry_key: str = '/entry/data/data', start_time: datetime | str | None = None, write_mode: str = 'x')[source]

Write a NXmx-like NeXus file for electron diffraction.

This method overrides the write() method of NXmxFileWriter, from which thsi class inherits. In particular, it performs a few checks on the coordinate frame of the input vectors and then calls the writers for the relevant NeXus base classes.

  • image_datafiles (List | None, optional) – List of image data files. If not passed, the program will look for files with the stem_data_######.h5 in the target directory. Defaults to None.

  • data_entry_key (str, optional) – Dataset entry key in datafiles. Defaults to entry/data/data.

  • start_time (datetime | str, optional) – Collection estimated end time if available, in the format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ”. Defaults to None.

  • write_mode (str, optional) – String indicating writing mode for the output NeXus file. Accepts any valid h5py file opening mode. Defaults to “x”.

write_vds(vds_dtype: ~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any] | None | type[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._SupportsDType[~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any]] | str | tuple[~typing.Any, int] | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.SupportsIndex | ~collections.abc.Sequence[~typing.SupportsIndex]] | list[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._DTypeDict | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.Any] = <class 'numpy.uint16'>, writer_type: str = 'dataset', data_entry_key: str = '/entry/data/data', datafiles: ~typing.List[~pathlib.Path] | None = None)[source]

Write a vds for electron diffraction.

This method overrides the write_vds() method of NXmxFileWriter, from which thsi class inherits. In particular, if required it will write an external vds file instead of a dataset.

  • vds_dtype (DTypeLike, optional) – The type of the input data. Defaults to np.uint16.

  • writer_type (str, optional) – Type of vds required. Defaults to “dataset”.

  • data_entry_key (str, optional) – Dataset entry key in datafiles. Defaults to “/entry/data/data”.

  • datafiles ((List | None, optional) – List of image data files. If not passed, the program will look for files with the stem_######.h5 in the target directory. Defaults to None.

NXclass writers

All the NXclass writers available can be found in:

Old tools


Tools such as ScanReader and write_nexus_from_scope have been deprecated as of version 0.8.0. The functionality of call_writers has also been changed.

nexgen.command_line.cli_utils.call_writers(nxsfile: Path | str, datafiles: List[Path | str], coordinate_frame: str, data_type: Tuple[str, int], goniometer: Dict[str, Any], detector: Dict[str, Any], module: Dict[str, Any], source: Dict[str, Any], beam: Dict[str, Any], attenuator: Dict[str, Any], metafile: bool = False, timestamps: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, notes: Dict[str, Any] | None = None)[source]

Call the writers for the NeXus base classes.

  • nxsfile (Path | str) – NeXus file to be written.

  • datafiles (List[Path | str]) – List of at least 1 Path object to a HDF5 data file.

  • coordinate_frame (str) – Coordinate system being used. Accepted frames are imgcif and mcstas.

  • data_type (Tuple[str, int]) – Images or event-mode data, and eventually how many are being written.

  • (Dict[str (goniometer)

  • description. (Any] Goniometer geometry)

  • detector (Dict[str, Any]) – Detector specific parameters and its axes.

  • module (Dict[str, Any]) – Geometry and description of detector module.

  • source (Dict[str, Any]) – Facility information.

  • beam (Dict[str, Any]) – Beam properties.

  • attenuator (Dict[str, Any]) – Attenuator properties.

  • metafile (bool, optional) – Whether a metafile is present. Defaults to False.

  • timestamps (Tuple[str], optional) – Start and end collection timestamps in ISO format. Defaults to None.

  • notes (Dict, optional) – Any additional information to write as NXnote. Defaults to None.

Writing blank datasets

Generating blank images

Using an Eiger or Tristan detector mask …

nexgen.tools.data_writer.build_an_eiger(image_size: List | Tuple, det_description: str, n_modules: Tuple[int, int] | None = None) _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes][source]

Generate an Eiger-like blank image.

  • image_size (List | Tuple) – Detector size, defines image dimensions as (slow_axis , fast_axis).

  • det_description (str) – Identifies the type of Eiger detector.

  • n_modules (Tuple[int, int], optional) – Number of modules in the detector. Defaults to None.


Blank image - an array of zeros with an Eiger-like mask.

Return type:

IM (ArrayLike)

nexgen.tools.data_writer.build_a_tristan(image_size: List | Tuple, det_description: str) _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes][source]

Generate a Tristan-like blank image.

  • image_size (List | Tuple) – Detector size, fefines image dimensions as (slow_axis , fast_axis).

  • det_description (str) – Identifies the Tristan detector.


Blank image - an array of zeros with an Eiger-like mask.

Return type:

IM (ArrayLike)

nexgen.tools.data_writer.generate_image_files(datafiles: List[Path | str], image_size: List | Tuple, det_description: str, tot_num_images: int)[source]

Generate HDF5 files of blank images.

  • datafiles (List[Path | str]) – List of HDF5 files to be written.

  • image_size (List | Tuple) – Image dimensions as (slow_axis, fast_axis).

  • det_description (str) – Type of detector. The string should include the number of modules.

  • tot_num_images (int) – Total number of images to be written across the files.


ValueError – If the number of files requested and the total number of images to write don’t match.

Generating pseudo-events

nexgen.tools.data_writer.pseudo_event_list(x_lim: Tuple[int, int | None], y_lim: Tuple[int, int | None], exp_time: float) Tuple[List, List][source]

Generate a pseudo-events list with positions and timestamps.

  • x_lim (Tuple[int, Union[int, None]]) – Minimum and maximum position along the fast axis.

  • y_lim (Tuple[int, Union[int, None]]) – Minimum and maximum position along the slow axis.

  • exp_time (float) – Total exposure time, in seconds.


Lists of pseudo-event positions and relative timestamps.

Return type:

pos_list, time_list (Tuple[List, List])

nexgen.tools.data_writer.generate_event_files(datafiles: List[Path | str], num_chunks: int, det_description: str, exp_time: float)[source]

Generate HDF5 files of pseudo events.

  • datafiles (List[Union[Path, str]]) – List of HDF5 files to be written.

  • num_chunks (int) – Chunks of events to be written per file.

  • det_description (str) – Type of detector. The string should include the number of modules.

  • exp_time (float) – Total exposure time, in seconds.

VDS writer

Tools to write Virtual DataSets

class nexgen.tools.vds_tools.Dataset(name: 'str', source_shape: 'Tuple[int]', start_index: 'int' = 0, stop_index: 'int' = 1000, dest_shape: 'Tuple[int]' = None)[source]

Remove links to external data not used in VDS.

  • nxsfile (h5py.File) – Handle to NeXus file being written.

  • vds_shape (Tuple | List) – Actual shape of the VDS dataset, usually defined as (num_frames, *image_size).

  • start_index (int) – The start point for the source data. Defaults to 0.

nexgen.tools.vds_tools.create_virtual_layout(datasets: List[Dataset], data_type: dtype[Any] | None | type[Any] | _SupportsDType[dtype[Any]] | str | tuple[Any, int] | tuple[Any, SupportsIndex | Sequence[SupportsIndex]] | list[Any] | _DTypeDict | tuple[Any, Any])[source]

Create a virtual layout and populate it based on the provided data.

  • datasets (List[Dataset]) – A list of datasets that are to be merged.

  • data_type (DTypeLike) – The type of the input data.


Virtual layout.

Return type:

layout (h5py.VirtualLayout)

nexgen.tools.vds_tools.find_datasets_in_file(nxdata: Group) List[source]

Look for the source datasets in the NeXus file. Assumes that the source datasets are always h5py.ExternalLink.


nxdata (h5py.Group) – Group where the data should be linked.


KeyError – If no ExternalLinks to data are found in the group.


The source datasets.

Return type:

dsets (List)

nexgen.tools.vds_tools.image_vds_writer(nxsfile: ~h5py._hl.files.File, full_data_shape: ~typing.Tuple | ~typing.List, start_index: int = 0, vds_shape: ~typing.Tuple | ~typing.List | None = None, data_type: ~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any] | None | type[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._SupportsDType[~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any]] | str | tuple[~typing.Any, int] | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.SupportsIndex | ~collections.abc.Sequence[~typing.SupportsIndex]] | list[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._DTypeDict | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.Any] = <class 'numpy.uint16'>, entry_key: str = 'data')[source]

Virtual DataSet writer function for image data.

  • nxsfile (h5py.File) – Handle to NeXus file being written.

  • full_data_shape (Tuple | List) – Shape of the full dataset, usually defined as (num_frames, *image_size).

  • start_index (int) – The start point for the source data. Defaults to 0.

  • vds_shape (Tuple, optional) – Desired shape of the VDS, usually defined as (num_frames, *image_size). The number of frames must be smaller or equal to the one in full_data_shape. Defaults to None.

  • data_type (DTypeLike, optional) – The type of the input data. Defaults to np.uint16.

  • entry_key (str, optional) – Entry key for the Virtual DataSet name. Defaults to data.

nexgen.tools.vds_tools.jungfrau_vds_writer(nxsfile: ~h5py._hl.files.File, vds_shape: ~typing.Tuple | ~typing.List, data_type: ~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any] | None | type[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._SupportsDType[~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any]] | str | tuple[~typing.Any, int] | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.SupportsIndex | ~collections.abc.Sequence[~typing.SupportsIndex]] | list[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._DTypeDict | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.Any] = <class 'numpy.uint16'>, source_dsets: ~typing.List[str] | None = None)[source]

Write VDS for Jungfrau 1M use case, with a tiled layout.

nexgen.tools.vds_tools.split_datasets(dsets, data_shape: Tuple[int, int, int], start_idx: int = 0, vds_shape: Tuple[int, int, int] | None = None) List[Dataset][source]

Splits the full data shape and start index up into values per dataset, given that each dataset has a maximum size.

  • dsets (Dataset) – The input datasets.

  • data_shape (Tuple[int, int, int]) – Shape of the data, usually defined as (num_frames, *image_size).

  • start_idx (int, optional) – The start point for the source data. Defaults to 0.

  • vds_shape (Tuple, optional) – Desired shape of the VDS, usually defined as (num_frames, *image_size). The number of frames must be smaller or equal to the one in full_data_shape. Defaults to None.

  • ValueError – If the passed start index value is higher than the dataset lenght.

  • ValueError – It the passed start index value is negative.


A list of datasets.

Return type:


nexgen.tools.vds_tools.vds_file_writer(nxsfile: ~h5py._hl.files.File, datafiles: ~typing.List[~pathlib.Path], data_shape: ~typing.Tuple | ~typing.List, data_type: ~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any] | None | type[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._SupportsDType[~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any]] | str | tuple[~typing.Any, int] | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.SupportsIndex | ~collections.abc.Sequence[~typing.SupportsIndex]] | list[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._DTypeDict | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.Any] = <class 'numpy.uint16'>, entry_key: str = 'data')[source]

Write a Virtual DataSet _vds.h5 file for image data.

  • nxsfile (h5py.File) – NeXus file being written.

  • datafiles (List[Path]) – List of paths to source files.

  • data_shape (Tuple | List) – Shape of the dataset, usually defined as (num_frames, *image_size).

  • data_type (DTypeLike, optional) – Dtype. Defaults to np.uint16.

  • entry_key (str) – Entry key for the Virtual DataSet name. Defaults to data.

Copying tools

General tools to copy metadata from NeXus files.

nexgen.nxs_copy.copy_nexus.images_nexus(data_file: List[Path | str], original_nexus: Path | str, simple_copy: bool = True, skip_group: List[str] = ['NXdata']) str[source]

Copy NeXus metadata for images.

  • data_file (List[Path | str]) – HDF5 file with images.

  • original_nexus (Path | str) – Original NeXus file with experiment metadata.

  • simple_copy (bool, optional) – Copy everything from the original NeXus file. Defaults to True.

  • skip_group (List[str], optional) – If simple_copy is False, list of NX_class objects to skip when copying. Defaults to [“NXdata”].


Filename of new NeXus file.

Return type:

nxs_filename (str)

nexgen.nxs_copy.copy_nexus.pseudo_events_nexus(data_file: List[Path | str], original_nexus: Path | str) str[source]

Copy NeXus metadata for pseudo event mode data.

  • data_file (List[Path | str]) – HDF5 with pseud event data.

  • original_nexus (Path | str) – Original NeXus file with experiment metadata.


Filename of new NeXus file.

Return type:

nxs_filename (str)

Tools for copying the metadata from Tristan NeXus files.

nexgen.nxs_copy.copy_tristan_nexus.multiple_images_nexus(data_file: Path | str, tristan_nexus: Path | str, write_mode: str = 'x', osc: float | None = None, nbins: int | None = None) str[source]

Create a NeXus file for a multiple-image dataset or multiple image sequences from a pump-probe collection.

Copy the nexus tree from the original NeXus file for a collection on Tristan detector. There are two main applications for this function. In the first case, multiple images from a rotation collection have been binned and the scan_axis to be found in the input file is a (start, stop) tuple. The scan_axis in the new file will therefore be a list of angles. Osc and num_bins are mutually exclusive arguments to work out the scan_axis list. In the second case, multiple images from a 2D grid scan collection have been binned. The “rotation” scan_axis is still to be found in the input file as a (start, stop) tuple - although in this instance the two values should coincide. The values for the “translation” scan axes instead can be worked out from the chipmap dictionary, saved as a Unicode string inside the original NeXus file during collection, and nbins. It should be noted that passing osc in this case will raise an error and exit.

  • data_file (Path | str) – String or Path pointing to the HDF5 file containing the newly binned images.

  • tristan_nexus (Path | str) – String or Path pointing to the input NeXus file with experiment metadata to be copied.

  • write_mode (str, optional) – String indicating writing mode for the output NeXus file. Accepts any valid h5py file opening mode. Defaults to “x”.

  • osc (float, optional) – Oscillation angle (degrees). Defaults to None.

  • nbins (int, optional) – Number of binned images. Defaults to None.

  • ValueError – When osc has been passed instead of nbins for a grid scan collection.

  • ValueError – When both osc and nbins have been passed for a rotation collection. The two values are mutually exclusive.

  • ValueError – When neither osc nor nbins has been passed. It won’t be possible to calculate the scan range without at least one of them.


The name of the output NeXus file.

Return type:

nxs_filename (str)

nexgen.nxs_copy.copy_tristan_nexus.serial_images_nexus(data_file: Path | str, tristan_nexus: Path | str, nbins: int, write_mode: str = 'x') str[source]

Create a NeXus file for a serial collection.

  • data_file (Path | str) – String or Path pointing to the HDF5 file containing the newly binned images.

  • tristan_nexus (Path | str) – String or Path pointing to the input NeXus file with experiment metadata to be copied.

  • nbins (int) – Number of binned images.

  • write_mode (str, optional) – String indicating writing mode for the output NeXus file. Accepts any valid h5py file opening mode. Defaults to “x”.



Return type:


nexgen.nxs_copy.copy_tristan_nexus.single_image_nexus(data_file: Path | str, tristan_nexus: Path | str, write_mode: str = 'x', pump_probe_bins: int | None = None) str[source]

Create a NeXus file for a single-image or a stationary pump-probe dataset.

Copy the nexus tree from the original NeXus file for a collection on Tristan detector. In the case of a single image, the input scan_axis is a (start, stop) tuple where start and stop have the same value, for a pump-probe experiment the values might differ for some older datasets. The scan_axis in the new file will therefore be one single number, equal to the “start”.

  • data_file (Path | str) – String or Path pointing to the HDF5 file containing the newly binned images.

  • tristan_nexus (Path | str) – String or Path pointing to the input NeXus file with experiment metadata to be copied.

  • write_mode (str, optional) – String indicating writing mode for the output NeXus file. Accepts any valid h5py file opening mode. Defaults to “x”.

  • pump_probe_bins (int, optional) – If the NeXus file is be linked to a static pump-probe image stack, pass the number of images the events have been binned into. Deafults to None.


The name of the output NeXus file.

Return type:

nxs_filename (str)


General utilities for nexgen

nexgen.utils.get_filename_template(input_filename: Path) str[source]

Get the data file name template from either the master or the meta file.


input_filename (Path) – Path object containing the name of master or meta file. The format should be either file_master.h5, file.nxs for a master file, file_meta.h5 for a meta file.


NameError – If the input file does not have the expected format.


String template for the name of blank data file.

Return type:

filename_template (str)

nexgen.utils.get_iso_timestamp(ts: str | float) str[source]

Format a timestamp string to be stores in a NeXus file according to ISO8601: ‘YY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ’


ts (str | float) – Input string, can also be a timestamp (eg. time.time()) string. Allowed formats: “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S”, “%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”, “%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S”, “%A, %d. %B %Y %I:%M%p”.


Formatted timestamp.

Return type:

ts_iso (str)

nexgen.utils.get_nexus_filename(input_filename: Path | str, copy: bool = False) Path[source]

Get the filename for the NeXus file from the stem of the input file name.

  • input_filename (Path | str) – File name and path of either a .h5 data file or a _meta.h5 file.

  • copy (bool, optional) – Avoid trying to write a new file with the same name as the old one when making a copy. Defaults to False.


NeXus file name (.nxs) path.

Return type:


nexgen.utils.units_of_length(q: str | float, to_base: bool = False) Quantity[source]

Check that a quantity of length is compatible with NX_LENGTH, defaulting to m if dimensionless.

  • q (Any) – An object that can be interpreted as a pint Quantity, it can be dimensionless.

  • to_base (bool, optional) – If True, convert to base units of length (m). Defaults to False.

  • ValueError – If the input value is a negative number.

  • pint.errors.DimensionalityError – If the input value is not a quantity of lenght.


A pint quantity with units applied if it was dimensionless.

Return type:

quantity (pint.Quantity)

nexgen.utils.units_of_time(q: str) Quantity[source]

Check that a quantity of time is compatible with NX_TIME, defaulting to s if dimensionless. Convert to seconds if time is passed as a fraction of it.


q (str) – A string that can be interpreted as a pint Quantity, it can be dimensionless.

  • ValueError – If the input value is a negative number.

  • pint.errors.DimensionalityError – If the input value is not a quantity of lenght.


A pint quantity in s, with units applied if it was dimensionless.

Return type:

quantity (pint.Quantity)

nexgen.utils.walk_nxs(nxs_obj: File | Group) List[str][source]

Walk all the groups, subgroups and datasets of an object.


nxs_obj (h5py.File | h5py.Group) – Object to walk through, could be a file or a group.


List of objects found, as strings.

Return type:

obj_list (List[str])

Writing tools

Utilities for writing new NeXus format files.

nexgen.nxs_write.write_utils.add_sample_axis_groups(nxsample: Group, axis_list: List[Axis])[source]

Add non-standard “sample_{phi,omega,…}” groups to NXsample. These may be needed for some autoprocessing tools to work correctly.

  • nxsample (h5py.Group) – NeXus NXsample group.

  • axis_list (List[Axis]) – List of goniometer axes.

nexgen.nxs_write.write_utils.calculate_origin(beam_center_fs: List | Tuple, fs_pixel_size: List | Tuple, fast_axis_vector: Tuple, slow_axis_vector: Tuple, mode: str = '1') Tuple[List, float][source]

Calculate the offset of the detector.

This function returns the detector origin array, which is saved as the vector attribute of the module_offset field. The value to set the module_offset to is also returned: the magnitude of the displacement if the vector is normalized, 1.0 otherwise Assumes that fast and slow axis vectors have already been converted to mcstas if needed.

  • beam_center_fs (List | Tuple) – Beam center position in fast and slow direction.

  • fs_pixel_size (List | Tuple) – Pixel size in fast and slow direction, in m.

  • fast_axis_vector (Tuple) – Fast axis vector.

  • slow_axis_vector (Tuple) – Slow axis vector.

  • mode (str, optional) – Decide how origin should be calculated. If set to “1” the displacement vector is un-normalized and the offset value set to 1.0. If set to “2” the displacement is normalized and the offset value is set to the magnitude of the displacement. Defaults to “1”.


Displacement of beam center, vector attribute of module_offset. offset_val (float): Value to assign to module_offset, depending whether det_origin is normalized or not.

Return type:

det_origin (List)

nexgen.nxs_write.write_utils.create_attributes(nxs_obj: Group | Dataset, names: Tuple, values: Tuple)[source]

Create or overwrite attributes with additional metadata information.

  • nxs_obj (h5py.Group | h5py.Dataset) – NeXus object to which the attributes should be attached.

  • names (Tuple) – The names of the new attributes.

  • values (Tuple) – The attribute values asociated to the names.

nexgen.nxs_write.write_utils.find_number_of_images(datafile_list: List[Path], entry_key: str = 'data') int[source]

Calculate total number of images when there’s more than one input HDF5 file.

  • datafile_list (List[Path]) – List of paths to the input image files.

  • entry_key (str) – Key for the location of the images inside the data files. Defaults to “data”.


Total number of images.

Return type:

num_images (int)

nexgen.nxs_write.write_utils.mask_and_flatfield_writer(nxdet_grp: Group, dset_name: str, dset_data: str | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes], applied_val: bool)[source]

Utility function to write mask or flatfield to NXdetector group for image data when not already linked to the _meta.h5 file. If the pixel_mask/flatfield data is passed as a string, it will be assumed to be a file path and the writer will try to set up an external link to it.

  • nxdet_grp (h5py.Group) – Handle to HDF5 NXdetector group.

  • dset_name (str) – Name of the new field/dataset to be written.

  • dset_data (str | ArrayLike) – Dataset data to be written in the field. Can be a string or an array-like dataset. If the data type is a numpy ndarray, it will be compressed before writing.

  • applied_val (bool) – Value to write to {flatfield,pixel_mask}_applied fields.

nexgen.nxs_write.write_utils.set_dependency(dep_info: str, path: str | None = None)[source]

Define value for “depends_on” attribute. If the attribute points to the head of the dependency chain, simply pass “.” for dep_info.

  • dep_info (str) – The name of the transformation upon which the current one depends on.

  • path (str) – Where the transformation is. Set to None, if passed it points to location in the NeXus tree.


The value to be passed to the attribute “depends_on”

nexgen.nxs_write.write_utils.write_compressed_copy(nxgroup: Group, dset_name: str, data: _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None, filename: Path | str | None = None, filter_choice: str = 'bitshuffle', dset_key: str = 'image', **kwargs)[source]

Write a compressed copy of some dataset in the desired HDF5 group, using the filter of choice with lz4 compression. Available filters at this time include “Blosc” and “Bitshuffle” (default). The main application for this function in nexgen is to write a compressed copy of a pixel mask or a flatfield file/dataset directly into the NXdetector group of a NXmx NeXus file. The data and filename arguments are mutually exclusive as only one of them can be used as input. If a filename is passed, it is also required to pass the key for the relevant dataset to be copied. Failure to do so will result in nothing being written to the NeXus file.

  • nxgroup (h5py.Group) – Handle to HDF5 group.

  • dset_name (str) – Name of the new dataset to be written.

  • data (ArrayLike, optional) – Dataset to be compressed. Defaults to None.

  • filename (Path | str, optional) – Filename containing the dataset to be compressed into the NeXus file. Defaults to None.

  • filter_choice (str, optional) – Filter to be used for compression. Either blosc or bitshuffle. Defaults to bitshuffle.

  • dset_key (str, optional) – Dataset name inside the passed file. Defaults to “image”.

Keyword Arguments:

block_size (int, optional) – Number of elements per block, it needs to be divisible by 8. Needed for Bitshuffle filter. Defaults to 0.


ValueError – If both a dataset and a filename have been passed to the function.

Copying tools

Utilities for copying metadata to new NeXus files.

nexgen.nxs_copy.copy_utils.compute_ssx_axes(nxs_in: File, nbins: int, rot_ax: str, rot_val: Tuple | List | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes]) Tuple[Dict, Dict, Dict, int | None][source]

Computes the positions on chip corresponding to the binned images from a Tristan fixed target collection.

The function looks for the blocks (chipmap) and the chip_info dictionaries inside the original NeXus file and calculates the scan points from there. For older versions of the SSX NeXus files, this information is not available and the scan points will be calculated based on the number of images and using the default Oxford chip dimensions, starting from the upper left corned of the chip. If multiple windows have been binned into a single image, instead of the sam_(x,y) translation axes values, the number of windows per images will be returned and saved in the NeXus file.

  • nxs_in (h5py.File) – File handle for the original Tristan collection NeXus file.

  • nbins (int) – Number of images.

  • rot_ax (str) – Rotation axis.

  • rot_val (Tuple | List | ArrayLike) – Rotation axis start and stop values, as found in the original NeXus.


Oscillation range, Translation range, pump_probe info, number of windows per binned image.

Return type:

OSC, TRANSL, pump_info, windows_per_bin (Tuple[Dict, Dict, Dict, int | None])

nexgen.nxs_copy.copy_utils.convert_scan_axis(nxsample: Group, nxdata: Group, ax: str, ax_range: _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None)[source]

Modify all instances of scan_axis present in NeXus file NXsample group.

  • nxsample (h5py.Group) – NXsample group of NeXus file to be modified.

  • nxdata (h5py.Group) – NXdata group of NeXus file to be modified.

  • ax (str) – Name of scan_axis.

  • ax_range (ArrayLike) – Scan points. If passed, axis_increment_set and axis_end will also be written. Defaults to None

nexgen.nxs_copy.copy_utils.get_nexus_tree(nxs_in: File, nxs_out: File, skip: bool = True, skip_obj: List[str] | None = None) Group | None[source]

Copy the tree from the original NeXus file. Everything except NXdata is copied to a new NeXus file. If skip is False, then the full tree is copied.

  • nxs_in (h5py.File) – Original NeXus file.

  • nxs_out (h5py.File) – New NeXus file.

  • skip (bool, optional) – Copy everything but objects in skip_obj, which always include NXdata. Pass False to copy the whole NXentry tree. Defaults to True.

  • skip_obj (List[str], optional) – List of NX_class objects not to be copied, eg. ‘NXdata’ or ‘NXdetector’.. Defaults to None.


The group NXentry or nothing if the full file is copied.

Return type:

h5py.Group | None

nexgen.nxs_copy.copy_utils.get_skip_list(nxentry: Group, skip_obj: List[str]) List[str][source]

Get a list of all the objects that should not be copied in the new NeXus file.

  • nxentry (h5py.Group) – NXentry group of a NeXus file.

  • skip_obj (List[str]) – List of objects that should not be copied.


List of “NXclass” objects to skip during copy.

Return type:

skip_list (List[str])

nexgen.nxs_copy.copy_utils.h5str(h5_value: str | bytes_ | bytes) str[source]

Convert a value returned an h5py attribute to str.

h5py can return either a bytes-like (numpy.string_) or str object for attribute values depending on whether the value was written as fixed or variable length. This function collapses the two to str.


h5_value (str | np.string_ | bytes) – Original attribute value.


Attribute value collapsed to str.

Return type:


nexgen.nxs_copy.copy_utils.identify_tristan_scan_axis(nxs_in: File) Tuple[str | None, Dict[str, Any]][source]

Identify the scan_axis in the NeXus tree of a Tristan collection.

Return the first data set in the group ‘/entry/data’ that has the attribute ‘transformation_type’ equal to ‘rotation’.


nxs_in (h5py.File) – Tristan NeXus file


Name of the scan_axis. ax_attrs (Dict[str, Any]): Attributes of the scan_axis dataset.

Return type:

ax (str | None)

nexgen.nxs_copy.copy_utils.is_chipmap_in_tristan_nxs(nxobj: File | Group, loc: str = 'entry/source/notes/chipmap') bool[source]

Look for the saved chipmap for a SSX experiment inside a tristan nexus file.

  • nxobj (h5py.File | h5py.Group) – NeXus object to be searched, could be a file or a group.

  • loc (str, optional) – Location where the chipmap should be saved. Defaults to “entry/source/notes/chipmap”.


Returns True is a chipmap is found, False otherwise.

Return type:


HDF5 metafile reader

Metafile definition:

Define a Metafile object to describe the _meta.h5 file and get the necessary information from it.

class nexgen.tools.metafile.DectrisMetafile(handle: File)[source]

Bases: Metafile

Describes a _meta.h5 file for a Dectris Eiger detector.

class nexgen.tools.metafile.TristanMetafile(handle: File)[source]

Bases: Metafile

Describes a _meta.h5 file for a Tristan detector.

When operating a Dectris detector, the goniometer and detector axes values are usually stored in the config/ dataset.

nexgen.tools.meta_reader.update_axes_from_meta(meta_file: DectrisMetafile, axes_list: List[Axis], osc_axis: str | None = None, use_config: bool = False)[source]

Update goniometer or detector axes values from those stores in the _dectris group.

  • meta_file (DectrisMetafile) – Handle to Dectris-shaped meta.h5 file.

  • axes_list (List[Axis]) – List of axes to look up and eventually update.

  • osc_axis (str | None, optional) – If passed, the number of images corresponding to the osc_axis will be updated too. Defaults to None.

  • use_config (bool, optional) – If passed read from config dataset in meta file instead of _dectris group. Defaults to False.

If there’s a need to write a VDS dataset from data collected on a Dectris detector, it might be useful to first find out the data type using the information stored in the meta file.

nexgen.tools.meta_reader.define_vds_data_type(meta_file: DectrisMetafile) dtype[Any] | None | type[Any] | _SupportsDType[dtype[Any]] | str | tuple[Any, int] | tuple[Any, SupportsIndex | Sequence[SupportsIndex]] | list[Any] | _DTypeDict | tuple[Any, Any][source]

Define the data type for the VDS from the bit_depth defined in the meta file.


meta_file (DectrisMetafile) – Handle to Dectris-shaped meta.h5 file.


Data type as np.uint##.

Return type:


Reader for Singla detector master file

Tools to calculate the beam center of an Electron Diffraction experiment:

Logging configuration

Logging configuration.

class nexgen.log.LoggingContext(logger, level=None)[source]

Define a basic context manager for selective logging. See https://docs.python.org/3/howto/logging-cookbook.html#using-a-context-manager-for-selective-logging.

nexgen.log.config(logfile: str | None = None, write_mode: str = 'a', delayed: bool = False)[source]

Configure the logging.

  • logfile (str, optional) – If passed, create a file handler for the logger to write to file the log output. Defaults to None.

  • write_mode (str, optional) – String indicating writing mode for the output .log file. Defaults to “a”.

  • delayed (bool, optional) – Setting for the FileHandler delay option. If true, then file opening is deferred until the first call to emit.Defaults to False.